"I'm up!" I took a shower and put on some old jeans and a T-shirt. I walked downstairs and Greg and Blake were making everyone laugh, as usual, they are both really funny guys.

"Well look who's finally up." Greg said in a smarty tone.

"Shelby and Leah will be her at 1:00 to make sure we are all ready." Nate stated.

"Yeah so if we wanna live another day we better get dressed." Blake said making us all laugh.

We all finished eating and went upstairs to get dressed. When I looked in the mirror I couldn't help but smile. Soon I'm gonna be the happiest man alive....again.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in."

"Hey." Shelby said stepping in the door. She looked amazing. She didn't have any make-up on, as usual, but she still looked amazing.

"Hey Shelby. You look great!"

"Thanks Thomas. You look good. You clean up well."

I smiled. Shelby is a great friend, one of my best friends. I use to have a huge crush on her, everyone does. She's just perfect, but then I met Sydni and feel in love. Steve sure is lucky to have her like I'm lucky to have Sydni.

"Thanks." I said. She walked up to me and adjusted my collar. I smiled.

"Thanks Shelby."

"You're welcome. This weddin has to be perfect." She's such a hick.

"I'm gonna go help Leah with the other boys. Greg is driving yall there. Sydni and the other girls all already there in waiting room thing we set up so Sydni can't see the wedding yet."

"Ok see ya there." She walked out the door.

Steve's POV

We were all ready except for Thomas. We sat around the living room watching football and drinking beer, except for Pony and Johnny who drank Pepsi. Shelby and Leah walked in the door in their dresses. I was speechless, Shelby looked amazing.

"Hey baby." She said kissing my cheek.

"Hey babe." I said pulling her in my lap kissing her lips. She smiled but Greg cleared his throat, which meant get your lips off my baby girl. I got the hint pretty quick and stopped kissing her, it made her mad. She glared at Greg with one of her death stares, he raised his hands in the air.

"Leah fix them up, I'm gonna check on Thomas." Shelby commanded.

"Yes ma'm." Leah joked making us all laugh. She got off my lap and Leah took control.

"Everyone stand up so I can fix ya." Leah commanded, we all obeyed. She fixed our collars, hats, and everything else. Shelby walked back downstairs and I couldn't help but to stare at her. My jaw dropped she looked better every second. She didn't have a stitch of make-up on, she was absolutely perfect.

"Okay come on Leah let's go. You all look great. Greg you better be there at 1:30." Shelby said.

"I will Shelby but it's 1:10 now so we better go." Greg answered. Shelby walked up to me and hugged me "Bye Steve, you look great." I wrapped my arms around her waist, hers were around my neck.

"Bye Benwilpott. You look amazin." I kissed her forehead. Everyone left.

Sydni's POV

I was really anxious. They wouldn't even let me look outside to see what the wedding looks like. I think I have a right to know, I am the bride. Shelby and Leah finally got there.

The Outsiders-Steve Randle,Love at first SightWhere stories live. Discover now