Letters to Nowhere: Part 63

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"Uh oh." I immediately dropped Jordan's hand and pushed past Stevie, heading back into the house. "Where is she?"

            Stevie pointed to a door nearby. "Bathroom."

            I knocked on it once before opening it halfway. Blair sat on the floor, head hanging over the toilet, puking up purple liquid.

Jordan leaned over my shoulder, to get a closer look. "Oh, this is not good."

            I slid into the bathroom along with Jordan and Stevie, then I swept Blair's long black hair off her neck, holding it up for her. "Get a wet towel for her head," I ordered to whichever one of them would respond. Jordan started sifting through the cabinet under the sink and Stevie dove into the linen closet, coming up with a pink washcloth.

            Once Blair stopped heaving, I reached out and flushed the toilet. She collapsed onto the floor, clutching her stomach and groaning. I sat beside her and Stevie pressed the washcloth to her forehead.

            Jordan leaned over her, assessing the situation. "Damn, I should have never let her out of my sight. My dad is going to murder me. How much did she drink?"

            "Apparently too much," Stevie said.

            Jordan rolled his eyes. "Let's just get her out of here. She can sleep it off at your place."

            Stevie and I helped Blair sit up, then Jordan bent over and scooped her off the floor, easily carrying her out the door and into the car. Before going outside, I grabbed Blair's purse and coat. In the car, I managed to get a seat belt around her, but her head flopped over into my lap. I let her stay like that while Jordan climbed into the front seat and Stevie into the driver's seat.

When we got to Stevie's apartment, Jordan picked Blair up again. Her head flopped around, but she opened her eyes for a minute and smiled lazily up at him.

            "I didn't puke on you, did I?"

            Jordan laughed. "No, you didn't."

            "Good." She closed her eyes and passed out again.

            "Put her on the couch," Stevie directed once we were inside.

            Jordan laid her down and found a blanket to toss over her. Stevie retrieved a bucket just in case Blair barfed again and I got a glass of water and Advil ready on the coffee table for when she woke up.   

            "Do you think Coach Bentley's going to notice?" I asked Stevie, referring to our Saturday morning practice tomorrow.

            "It's only ten thirty now," Stevie said with a sigh. "Kinda pathetic, huh? We didn't even make it until eleven."

            Jordan laughed. "Yeah, totally pathetic. You guys are such wimps, you never do anything risky."

            "Practice isn't until ten tomorrow," I said. "Hopefully that will be enough time for her to recover."

            Stevie clapped her hands together and headed toward the kitchen. "I'm gonna make something to eat, anyone else hungry?"

Jordan stood there scratching the back of his head. "Maybe I'll call one of my friends and get a ride home."

            "I thought you were staying here tonight," Stevie said.

            He is? That was news to me.

            Jordan looked extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Maybe that's not such a good idea."

            Stevie spun around, hands on hips, competition face on. "Oh come on, it's not like it's any different from every other night for you two. Besides, I had only hoped a tiny bit that you'd hook up with me and not Karen tonight, but it was more of an afterthought than a real goal."

            My jaw literally fell open. Did she actually just say that she had planned to hook up with Jordan?   


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