Chapter Sixty Seven

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They stood locked together for a long while, resting their foreheads together and looking into each other's eyes. He didn't have to say anything. Elena knew what he wanted, how could she not? After the joining they had accomplished and the intense sharing that had accompanied it she knew more than she ever needed to know about Liran. She only wondered if, after two years if he still felt the same.

One moment, one look and one kiss told her everything, though. He had given up on his concern over what people would think, or rather what the Hilliri might think. The Trillas would and elbow him in the ribs for such a decision.

That left only what had held her back. There was a propriety expected of a lord that no smart ruler might ignore. Liran could have another woman, his wife had died, after all, but he would be expected to marry. Elena had always avoided that state, ever since Atreas, her former husband, rejecting Maranus despite his devotion. It was time to put that fear aside, perhaps even to honour Maranus' sacrifice.

I am a Guardian. I will live a life that never ends. After this lifetime, there will be others, but I can only see for the present and for a short way into the future what I desire.

Having died once already, I am beyond such fears now. The darkness within me has disappeared. I shall remain here for the near future and live a life, a real life, or I will never be able to be what a Guardian aught to be: compassionate and caring.

Liran was not Atreas. He wanted her to be what she was, do what she wanted with her life, and would love her no matter what she did.

She smiled. Liran pulled his head back and looked inquiringly. She nodded.

"I will."

Liran looked puzzled, for he hadn't asked a question, but then he must have realized what she meant, for he smiled too, a wide, open mouthed grin.

"You will?"

There was a twinkle in his eye. He already knew the answer. He lifted her up and swung her around once, setting her down again.

"You will!"

After he set her down on the sand, he cupped her head in his hands, kissed her gently. Over joyed now that she had released herself from the shadow of her past, Elena caressed Liran's hand until they made a slight connection.

We will.

He took her by the hand and led her back across the beach to the fortress beyond.


This is the final chapter in the novel, Unsheathed. If you enjoyed it, please consider voting. Thanks to all your votes, this work has risen in the Fantasy category to an all time high of #39. 

I have enjoyed your comments and your encouragement so much. I am planning a prequel to this story about the early days of Elena's life before she left the Legion.Thank you for reading, and keep an eye out for my next work!



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