Josh rose a teasing eyebrow "What is this brainpower that you speak of?"

I rolled my eyes as he chuckled, and I pointed to the spot on my head where he hit me "Shut up, okay, this head does a lot of thinking"

"Yeah?" Josh asked with a grin tugging at his lips "That's dangerous. Make sure you don't hurt yourself"

My mouth hung open at him, he laughed loudly and I scoffed, despite how amusing I found this "I'll be hurting you in a minute" I joked, and before he could reply, I had already grabbed his waist with my lanky arms and pulled him back onto the bed with me.

He squealed as I poked him in the ribs, his breathless laughs echoing loudly off the bedroom walls, muffling my own giggles as I tickled the squirming, dark haired male in my lap.

Through the screaming and laughs, Josh managed to wheeze out a few words "Simon!" He yelled before wheezing several times "Stop!"

Unfortunately for me, Josh was stronger than I was. Through my struggling, he managed to grab both of my wrists to stop the tickling. He was panting, but he was grinning widely, and during our wrestling, he had ended up sat on top of my hips.

He was smiling down at me, I was smiling up at him, and it seemed everything in that moment was perfect. Everything I'd ever worked for, everything I'd ever done, had lead to this and I couldn't be happier.

"I think I win" Josh said quietly, eyes not leaving mine.

I nodded slightly "I think you win" I repeated, my voice even lower than his.

His eyes flickered from mine from a split second, glancing down at my lips and left me breathless. I was a stuttering, nervous wreck with so many things that I wanted to say to him, but never knew how. I had so many feeling that had been locked away, hidden, deep down, that I didn't know how to express.

But Josh knew exactly what to do.

With his hands still wrapping around my wrists, pinning me down, he lowered his lips to hover over mine, leaving a shadow of a kiss on my skin. My breathing quickened, chest rising and falling faster than before, my heart beating like a drum against my chest and the butterflies in my stomach beginning to flutter up my throat.

Josh released one of my wrists, his shaky fingers tracing down my cheek, leaving an electric shock running down my back.

"You're so beautiful" Josh whispered, eyes scanning across my face.

I chuckled to myself, shaking my head lightly as I muttered in denial, whilst Josh nodded and contradicted everything I said, a bright smile across his face. Although my legs had turned to jelly, I couldn't hide the grin on my face.

In the moment, I didn't care about anyone else other than Josh. I didn't care that he had a girlfriend, Freya, and I didn't care what anyone was going to think of us. It was just me, and him. And in that moment, I made the biggest and best decision of my life.

I raised my trembling lips to his, my eyes fluttering shut as I already felt myself melting under Josh's soft and gentle touch. Though the kiss was short, it was sweet and pure and left me wanting more when he pulled away.

Without even realising, my fingers were now gripping onto the hem of Josh's shirt, my other hand gripped firmly on his hips.

I watched him run his tongue along his lips in a way far too seductive "Simon..." He mumbled, and I felt anxious as I couldn't detect the feelings in his tone "What are we doing?"

Swallowing hard, I avoided his gaze, shaking my head "I don't know" I answered, voice barely audible.

A heavy silence filled the empty space between us, and even though we knew we should move from our position, none of us did.

It was when Josh sighed heavily, I realised my mistake. He removed my hands from his body and slipped off my lap, allowing me to sit back up, twisting my fingers awkwardly. I watched as Josh ran his hand through his silky dark hair, the frown on his face reflecting his inner conflict and the battle taking place inside his mind.

I bit my lip, unsure of what to do or say next "I'm sorry" I muttered, scared of what Josh must be thinking.

Josh didn't answer, he just nibbled nervously on his thumb which was between his teeth. His glossy eyes remained locked on his bedsheets, almost as if he was in a trance, lost far out in space, his head a million miles from here.

I didn't blame him, my head was spinning, too. How are you meant to react when you've just kissed your best friend, who is also a guy?

Despite not wanting to leave, I decided it was probably best for Josh. I rubbed my arm, looking down at my lap, on the verge of tears, my mouth dry "I should probably go"

"No" Josh answered quickly, before I had actually got up. I turned my eyes to him, my eyebrows furrowed in capitals confusion "I don't want you to go"

I stuttered "Um, what?"

"Fuck it" Josh announced, crawling back across the bed.

Before I could blink, Josh had pounced on me, his hands running through my hair and his lips moving in a synchronised pattern with mine. I had one hand draped across his waist, the other grabbing his ass, which he squeaked at.

For once, I felt like I actually had a purpose.

I littered gentle kisses along Josh's jawline and moved down to his neck, where I sucked on his skin as he gripped onto me.

It was like my mind was a blur the entire time, just like it was now. Flashes of us taking off our clothes and Josh grinding on me faded away, until I could only see us laying together in his bed, him in my arms as he placed a subtle kiss on my lips.

And whilst Simon was sleeping, his pale arms snaked around the hazy memories of a broken boy, who could be a thousand miles from here. The feeling of a ghostly kiss haunting his lips.

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