How to approach your crush

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I'm super shy like I said a little bit earlier in this book, and it's really hard for me to talk to my crushes! It seems really hard just to talk to your crush especially when his friends are around. Here are a few tips...

1. Ask him/her a question about your assignment or about something in class. He/She will most likely answer and then you guys could have a conversation.

2. Text him/her, but not too much. If he/she doesn't answer don't text him over and over. If he/she texts you get to know each other and you may end up being really good friends.

3. If you pass him/her in the hall say hi or smile just to show them you like him/her and if he/she likes you it may make him/her feel a little less nervous around you.

4. Ask him/her for extra help in a class, kind of like help with homework after school.

5. JUST TALK TO THEM, it doesn't really matter what you talk about, but it's really hard when you feel like when you talk to your crush because you think you might say something wrong and get really embarrassed. I can barely talk to my crush, also remember to make eye contact and that shows you like your crush too!

Just remember to be yourself and don't change for your crush!

Any suggestions for what I should write next?

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!!

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