Dallo: why does eceryone call me a tree

Ryro💕: because you are a tree

Dallo: but im not even that tall

Forehead: boy shut the fuck up youre like 6'4"

Dallo: yeah but the tallest guy to ever live was almost nine feet tall so...

Moikey: well then theyre a tree too

Oreo: face it Dal, youre a tree. Or a giraffe. Your choice

Dallo: this is bullying. Im being bullied

Gerald: guys I found some more gay emos

Ryro💕: add them

Tyjo was added to the chat by Gerald
Jishwa was added to the chat by Gerald

 Forehead: helo fellow gays

Jishwa: hello

Tyjo: yo

Moikey: are you guys dating

Gerald: thats not something you ask people Mikey

Moikey: im curious im sorry

Tyjo: nah its good

Jishwa: we're not dating tho

Tyjo: just friends

Jishwa: for now ; )

Oreo: i ship it

Forehead: oh no

Ryro💕: its gonna happen again isnt it 

Forehead: yup

Moikey: OTP

Gerald: OTP

Dallo: OTP

Forehead: OTP

Ryro💕: OTP

Flipflopfucker: OTP

Ryro💕: oh hey Jon

Flipflopfucker: yo

Flipflopfucker: my phone was blowing up so i had to see what was going on

Flipflopfucker: oh theres new people

Jishwa: helo

Tyjo: hi yes i am here

Jishwa: just want to point out that me and Ty dont know anyones names except for Gerards so could you inform us

Forehead: Brenod 

Ryro💕: Brenod jesus fuck Bren get your life under control

Forehead: dont bully me

Forehead: Brendon

Ryro💕: Ryan

Flipflopfucker: Jon

Dallo: Dallon

Moikey: Mikey

Oreo: Frank

Ryro💕: we're all really gay

Forehead: like super gay

Tyjo: yeah we kinda figured considering the name of the chat is "gayest gays to ever gay"

Flipflopfucker: this is bullying. We're all be bullied at the same time

Jishwa: get over it

Dallo: #rude

I'm just here to say that Baby Seasons Change But People Don't (one of my other stories, you should check it out) has 500 views and I'm honestly amazed like holy shit

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