Chapter 2

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Shikamaru's POV

The first five seconds into the match, I knocked the guy out with a kick to the temple. People always wonder how I pick up on things, the answer: Controlling Shadows. I don't mean literally controlling shadows, I mean that I call the shots and I know what strings to pull to win. I strategize. After my thank you's and such. I walked backstage for the meet and greet. I HATE meet and greets. Don't get me wrong I love my fans, it's just sometimes they can be annoying and just plain old......Troublesome. It was half and hour before I got to the last person to meet and greet. I looked up when I noticed a very, very beautiful guy. I'm gay and I've known for a while now, that's why most girls are so troublesome. The guy had pale soft looking skin. His features were quite feminine,but not too feminine. He had big what looked like white eyes but, we're actually a very pale purple. His dark hair contrasted nicely against his pale skin. He wore a white v-neck T-shirt, black pants, and white converse. I smirked when I realized he was staring. A blush covered his cheeks and it only made me smirk wider. " Hey" I said with my signature smirk, which only caused him to blush more. " H-hi, I'm Neji", Neji said with a beautiful smile as he held his hand out for me to shake, but I had other plans. I took the hand he offered and brought to my lips, smirk still in place, I pressed a chaste kiss on his hand. "Shikamaru" I said. He blushed deeply before saying " I know and nice fight tonight.", Neji nervously stated while moving a strand of hair behind his ear. "Thanks, you're the first person that said that to me all night", I drawled. " Seriously?!?!", Neji squealed. I grinned at how girly it sounded. " I- I mea-", he tried to say before I cut him off. " I know what you meant," I chuckled. He smiled at me we talked for a while longer, I didn't realize the time until my "brother" called asking where I was. "Awe shit! Sorry Chō, I'll be there in a bit." I said into the phone. "Hey, I'm sorry for that.", I apologized. " No, it's okay" he said and smiled sincerely. " Can I get your number?", I asked with a smile. " Y-Y-Yes, of course" Neji stuttered. We exchanged numbers. "Okay, I'll call you later", I said as I kissed his hand once more. " O-o-okay" he stuttered with a blush that seemed to be permanent on his cheeks. I walked out the door and got in my car driving in city leaf until I got to Chōji's house. The only thought on my mind though, was that damned Hyuga.

A/N Hey again! I hope you all liked the second chapter! I'll update soon Lord's willing!!:D

Love you lots!

Shadows Of The Heart: A Shikaneji Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن