Chapter Nine : Piece of Cake!

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| Bassist |




   I turned to the other side of the bed as I buried my face beneath the pillow.


   The shit just wont stop.

   “Fucking fuck!” I groaned loudly then I felt the bed deepened.  I heard a little click then nothing. It was silent then.

   I was drifting back to sleep when I felt a hand touched my bare arm. I slapped the hand away and quickly sat up. There was a brunette girl sitting on my bed.

   Ah no, wait. This wasn’t my bed.

   The bed was a single size, mine was double. There was a study table next to the bed, nope not mine as well. The wallpaper was pink flowers and all girly laces, definitely not mine.

   The girl was smiling at me. Her hair was in a total chaos it looked like she hadn’t seen a comb for centuries.

   “Good Morning!” She greeted.

   My mind worked then and I remembered last night’s event. I met this girl at our album release’s party. I didn’t know who she was connected but I made sure she wasn’t working at out label’s company or a make-up artists or a staff.

   Yes, you read that right. Our album was finally released out in the market. And in just one day it ranked number three in the top ten songs in Japan. I could see my band dream take place right before my eyes. I was happy we made it.

   Okay, that was cheeky. Let’s now head back to where I was lying down the bed with a girl.

   The wall clock pulled me out of my reverie as I saw it was two in the afternoon. “Shit!”

   Clambering out of the bed, I saw my shirt and pants on the floor.  I hurriedly wore them on. “Shit! Shit!”

   The girl watched me in silence. After I zip my boots up, I fished my phone from my pocket. I had six missed calls from Kai, three missed calls from our manager and a message from Ruki.

   | Ruki  – 12:12 |

   Uruha arrived earlier than you. Where are you? Are you dead?

   I typed in a quick reply.

   On my way from the grave.

   As I walked out of the room the girl reached and held my hand. “I made breakfast.”

   That time, I was able to look at her completely. She was wearing a white silk robe and a furry slipper. Her hair was still in chaos but maybe it was because of our adventure last night. She was cute. “I’m running late.”

   “Hmmm..” She moved her hand down my pants and tucked a paper in my pocket, giving me a wink and a seductive smile. “Call me.”

   Smirking, I head out of that place.

   The meeting was already starting when I got there. Our manager scolded me for being late while my bandmates gave me a knowing look. Jerks.

   We talked about a live guesting on a music channel and schedule for this month. We had several photo shoots and a few radio guestings. We had another busy week ahead of us.

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