Confrontations and Cookies

Start from the beginning

He continued to stare at me, and then narrowed his eyes, "I don't want your pity," he said, "I've had enough of it from Madam Pomfrey, and Dumbledore. I don't need the entire school thinking I'm some pathetic little child."

I rolled my eye, "I don't pity you Potter, I simply do not hate you anymore."

"Then why the sudden change of heart?" he sneered, "You suddenly realised that I'm not a bully, at exactly

the same it's revealed that the poor little golden boy gets the shit beaten out of him by his uncle?!"

"I have had many abused children in this house," I responded, "You are not the first, nor will you be the last. Your case was probably one of the most brutal, but thinking back, it should not have been the most surprising. I do not pity you because of your family, I simply respect you for living through them."

Harry nodded his head slowly, and sighed "I'm doing pretty well. I'm obviously still very protective of Zach, and I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack when he' not by my side, but I know he's safe with Ginny."

"Ah," I said, "And how are thing between you and the young Weasley girl?"

Harry looked at me like I'd grown a second head, "Are you seriously asking about my love life?"

I nodded my head, and smirked at him, "I passed Draco in the hallways a few minutes ago, shortly before you arrived here. He was muttering to himself about 'stupid scarheads' and he looked quite smitten."

Harry blushed violently, "Well... I mean, there was an incident with Draco... and I'm not really sure about Ginny..."

I nodded, inviting him to go on.

"Well I was talking with Draco down by the lake and things were great and the new were walking and then I fell and then we were kissing. And I really don't know what to do because now I'm really confused about whether or not I really love Ginny. I just don't feel like she can relate to me, her life has been so simple and uncomplicated. I know I love her, but I'm not sure if I love her like a sister or a girlfriend. Draco said

something really interesting though, he said I was making out with my mom."

Kissing his mom? My whole life I've wanted to kiss his mom, but the idea of Harry kissing her would definitely be confusing for him... wait, why the hell did Draco think he was kissing his mom?

"Would you please explain to me how Draco came to the conclusion that you were... fornicating with your mom." I sneered, trying to hide my confusion.

Harry blushed, and started spluttering, "We were not... fornicating!!!"

"Explain your idea, Potter."

"Well Draco said that I was using Ginny as a substitute for the affection I never got from my mom. He saw it on some muggle crime-show... and I wasn't fornicating with her."

I smirked as he cringed at the word 'fornicating', and he fidgeted anxiously, "So, you decided to listen to an idea that Draco found on a muggle television how?"

Harry blushed, "You're not really helping sir."

"I don't see what the problem is," I smirked, "You don't hold romantic interests in Ginny, and you quite obviously like me godson as more than a friend."

"Yes, I know! But I can't date Draco!"

"Why on earth not?" I asked protectively, "He's not a death eater, he's polite, he comes from good bloodlines, and although he isn't very manly, I've heard that he has many admirers."

"Yes, but that's just it! Draco's a he, not a she, a he!"

I stared at him for a moment, not comprehending, then muttered a few choice curse words under my breath,

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