xi. portrait

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          a serious writer is not
          to be
          confounded with a
          solemn writer.
          a serious writer may
          be a hawk or a
          buzzard or even
          a popinjay, but a
         solemn writer is
         always a bloody owl.
                                        { e. hemingway }


she is a  p o r t r a i t ;

        the contours of her face

          remind me of this maze

        that turned me around in

          a bewildering spin

        each stroke was carefully

          crafted with clarity,

        the hues and colours blend

          a distinctive accent

        her precise depiction

          made by my own vision

        let her supple lips glide

          a smile, subtle and wide


           it was

             the most  b e a u t i f u l


                   i have ever


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