-Chapter 6-

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"(Y/N)? Are in there? Did something happen to you?! Open up and answer me!" Una kept banging on the stall door.  She wasn't going to take no for an answer, so I opened up the stall door.

It was weird because she closed the door behind her. "Alright (Y/N), now that I'm in here, tell me exactly what happened to you." I couldn't answer, I just stood there sobbing. The words just wouldn't leave my mouth.

It took me a few minutes to start explaining, but once I started I couldn't stop. Una stood there in shock. She walked over and hugged me, which made me feel a little better. At least I stopped crying.

"(Y/N), do you want me to go ask Flower to beat up Piko for making you cry?" Una gave me a concerned look. I certainly didn't want that to happen so I declined.

"Well what about that Rin chick he's always hanging around with? She's one of those popular vocaloids who think that they can do anything as they please. I've been around her a lot and she acts like a spoiled brat half of the time. I guess you can say I hate her guts, or vocal chords, or both."

Me and Una started bursting into laughter. There was still so much we didn't know about each other. This was actually the first time I heard Una talk in this manner. I'm glad to still have a friend like her, the friend who is always concerned, but loves to crack jokes in the process.

"Una you do know we are in a restroom right?"

"Well yes..."

"And we are in the same stall. Do you know how weird this actually is?"

"There is nothing weird about two girls hanging around a toilet."

"Yes. Yes there is."

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