Jackson- Argumentative

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Author's Note: This was requested by yoursavageprincess.
QOTD: Jackson or Liam?
AOTD: Jackson

Jackson Whittemore was a dream. He was a little rough around the edges, yes, but he was a different person when he was around you. Everyone knew that you had an undeniable crush on him, one of your closest friends. It seemed to you that no matter what you did, he would never be able to reciprocate. It wasn't his fault. It was just how he felt.

"[Y/N]," Isaac caught up with you in the parking lot. "Did you get the math assignment? I missed class today."

"Oh, yeah. I noticed. Do you want to take pictures of my notes?"

"Yes, thanks."

Isaac snapped a few pictures, and then inspected the notes as thoroughly as possible, which was strange because you knew Isaac never had and never would apply himself in school.

Jackson was standing on the sidewalk talking to Danny. His eyes went just over Danny's shoulder. It seemed he was staring you down, or maybe just watching Isaac.

"You know, I don't get these," Isaac said, holding up the notes. "Would you mind explaining it to me over the weekend?"


"She's busy over the weekend," Jackson interrupted, appearing out of thin air. "She's hanging out with me."

"I see," Isaac said, narrowing his eyes. "I'll see you, [Y/N]."

"Why were you talking to him?" Jackson asked quickly.

"He needed the math assignment," you told him. "Geez."

"He was only talking to you to make me mad."

"I'm pretty sure he was talking to me because he missed math."

"You shouldn't talk to Isaac."

"Why not?"

"I don't like it."

"Why are you being such a control freak?"

"I'm being a control freak because you're talking to my nemesis, and it bothers me," he said angrily.

"He only wanted math."

"Well he should have gotten it from someone else."

"Why are you getting so defensive?"

"Because I like you, okay?" He said, loud enough that a few people turned their heads.


"I like you, and you don't like me back. You want to be friends. And you're my best friend, so it's tearing me apart inside that you don't feel the same way. Now drop it. I don't want to talk about it."

"Clearly you do want to talk about," you said. "And clearly you've been over thinking the situation. I like you too, Jackson."

"No you don't."

"Oh my god. You're literally the most argumentative person I've ever met. I like you."

"I don't believe you."

"Why would I lie about liking you?"

"I don't know!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. I kind of want to make out."

"Finally," you said, grabbing him by the shirt collar. "Something we can agree on."

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