Chapter Four

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He opened his mouth, then hesitated.

Ryan wasn't a part of his old life. Neither was Drew. They were both intruders in the situation, and maybe it wasn't their place to go with him or with Elle.

"Yes," he said quietly. "I can't go alone."

"I don't mind-"

He shook his head, taking her hand, and she looked up. "Don't leave me alone," he whispered, staring into her eyes, and she sensed that he didn't mean just this instance.

"Okay." She squeezed his hand. "It'll be okay."

He nodded slightly, and Ryan let go of his hand. "Let's go. Elle and Drew are waiting."

She was about to leave the room, when she noticed Hunter wasn't following. She turned around to look at him, and he was staring at the ceiling, blinking rapidly, his lip trembling.

Ryan walked back toward her husband, and put her hands out. He took a step forward, wrapping his arms around her, enclosing her in his warmth and breathing shakily. "I-" he whispered, but she shushed him, and he leaned his chin on the top of her head. She could feel the hot, salty tears dripping into her hair. She closed her eyes, letting him cry softly, before he pulled away.

"I'm not ready," he whispered.

"You are," she said gently, wiping his tears away. "You just don't realise it yet."

"What if she hates me?"

"Who could possibly hate you?"

He let out a weak chuckle, before pulling himself together and giving Ryan a small smile, wiping his eyes. "Let's get going."

Elle and Drew were watching TV when Hunter and Ryan came into the room. Ryan was rather glad that they hadn't been kissing or anything. "Let's go," said Elle, and Drew grabbed her hand, the two of them making their way to the front door together.

Ryan looked at Hunter. His head was bowed, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. Without a word, she held out her hand to him, and he took it just as silently.

It was an unspoken promise that they'd be by each other's side. No matter what.


Elle was shaking, and Drew kissed her temple quickly. "It'll be okay," he said softly. She nodded, and Hunter stopped the car, staring at the house.

"We're here," he whispered.

Ryan looked at him, and they had a silent conversation with their eyes, before both getting out of the car simultaneously. Drew smiled gently at Elle, and she climbed out of the car, too, her heart hammering out of her chest.

The Edwards' home was small, a sweet little apartment with windows and a little garden out the front. Drew took Elle's hand silently. It wouldn't be easy for her- he had to stay by her side no matter what. He had promised her that.

Hunter glanced at Ryan, who nodded once, and knocked on the door. He reached for her hand, and she squeezed gently. "Breathe," she whispered.

The door opened, and the red-haired girl smiled brightly. "Oh, hello! Lola said you'd be coming 'round for lunch today."

"Hey, Cassie," said Drew, when no one seemed capable of speaking. "How've you been?"

"I've been great, I- oh, silly me! Come on inside!" she said, inviting them in. "Keep your shoes on, don't worry about that."

Elle could hear her heavy Irish accent, and it made her feel ill. Would she have had an Irish accent if she hadn't been swapped? Would Drew, her soulmate, be standing with her?

Take A Walk (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 5 of The Hardships Saga)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang