Chapter forty-eight

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Happy Valentine's day 😘😘😘

This chapter is dedicated to instantfantasygirl10 as she was the first one who commented her answers on previous chapter...

Happy reading ^^


"Max, I can't walk anymore." I stopped walking and tried to catch my breath. I sighed and perched down, my hands squeezing the sides of my aching waist.

"What the hell? You only walk for like what? ... Ten minutes!" he exclaimed and shook his head disappointingly from side to side at me.

"Well, what do you expect from me?", I whisper-yelled at him and crossed my hands over my chest out of annoyance.

I huffed a sigh of utter tiredness and sat cross-legged down in the middle of the road.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?", he asked with a blank look on his face.

"Why? Does it look like I'm trying to entertain you?" I scowled at him and then pointedly looked away before he could meet my eyes.

He muttered something, followed by some-incoherent-words and ran his right hand through his hair again and again. Ugh! Why does he keep on doing that? It's irritating me.

"Stop doing that." I scoffed.

"Stop doing what?" he yelled, clearly not being able to control his bipolar disorder moods or probably not being able to hold his calm anymore. Either way, it sucks being here with him when he can't even control his irregular shifting moods. 

"You know what? I'm going home." I yelled back and quickly got up to run as far away from him as I can manage on numb legs. 

"Shelly!" he shouted my name several times but I kept on walking the way back to school because let's just say that I know my way back home from there.

Fifteen minutes earlier..

"Come on! Let's go, Max. Alex is probably waiting for us in the parking lot." Max wrapped his right arm around my lower back and pulled me along with him.

"Okay!", we walked, more like strolled down the hallway.

"Max, hurry up!" I whined and pulled him by his arm but he was now plodding and I just could not drag him.

"Chill, babe! Alex will wait for us." he pulled me against him, my back to his front and we sort of peddled together till we approached the last staircase.

His arms were tightly, but not that tight, wounded around my belly, grasping on the two sides of my waist to hold me plastered to his chest like he was afraid he would lose me. My sundress which was just above my knees, had rose up till my middle thighs and covered only my bum but I couldn't care less right now as I had to focus on controlling my uneven heartbeats which were making me breathless. I would have laughed at such a situation but with the butterflies fighting like soldiers on a battlefield in my belly, I just forgot how a human being usually breathe. I think it's in and out? Right? Yeah right.

I couldn't muster up the courage to breathe normally. Heck, what is wrong with me? Max, what are you doing to me?

"What's wrong, babe?" Max whispered in my left ear and I swear my legs turned jelly right there and then. Thank God, Max was holding me to him otherwise I don't know what would have happened.

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