CockRoach: ChanBaek

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Chanyeol Pov


My soul nearly left my body when I heard Baekhyun shout

I jumped out of my bed and ran outside our bedroom to the living room and saw Baekhyun with his back towards me and pointing at something.

"TH-TH-THERES TH-THAT TH-THING A-AGAIN!!" He screams then jumps away when the thing moved.

He hides behind me and I can now clearly see what that thing is.

"Omfg Baek it's just a cockroach! It can't hurt you!" I chuckle when I can feel Baekhyun shivering.

"THAT THING IS EVIL AND DISGUSTING!! GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!!" He screams nearly making me deaf.

"Alright alright no need to shout " I groan and walk away from him to get a shoe or book or something.

I took a broom instead from the kitchen and walked back to the living seeing Baekhyun looking at the cockroach in terror.

"KILL KYUNGSOO'S SPAWN FROM THE DEVIL NOW!!!" He shouts making me flinch and quickly swat the cockroach but it flew away and is now flying around the room.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He shouts again and opens the bedroom door to run in and locking it behind him.... not realizing that the cockroach flew inside as well....

I bet he's gonna shout at the top of his lungs when he finds out.

"..... 3...2...1 "

And just what I expected, he did.

He came running out and jumped in my arms almost making me tumble on the ground.

"KILL IT NOW!!" He screaches and I swear his voice is like a baby ostrich calling out to his mother.

I laugh and put him down back on the floor before getting inside the bedroom and successfully killing the cockroach this time.

"Killed it" I say then went out the bedroom and to the window to throw out the broom with the dead cockroach.

I didn't hear any response when I turned around and saw him sleeping on the ground with his limbs spread out.

"What a scaredy cat" I chuckle and picked him up bridal style and into our bedroom to take an afternoon nap.

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