The Ditchers~ Thirteen

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Klaus, Rebecca, Sean and I sat on the bleachers during gym. I wasn't really in the mood to play dodge ball today. These past weeks have been exhausting. I'm still a little upset about what happened between my Dad and Jennifer. It was the right thing to do but how come I still feel guilty? Now that the truth is out I don't feel that weight over my shoulders anymore. For the first time in my life I feel that I belong and that I do have people that care about me. Normal. I don't feel like an outsider anymore. I can finally just be myself. Archer has been a great boyfriend. He promised that he wouldn't tell anyone about what happened between my parents or when my mother abused me when I was thirteen. He also said that he won't let anyone hurt me again. That he will always be by my side. I love him a lot. He's the best. My Dad left for his flight this morning. I hope he has a great time in New York. Harold and Mariah left for there flight back to Massachusetts the day after the wedding. Shane and Haley just got back from there honeymoon last night. They're perfect for each other.

Rebecca nudged my arm with her elbow, "So. What are you going to do for Archer's birthday?" Archer's birthday is this friday. Three days away. I haven't exactly planned anything because I don't know what to get him yet. He keeps telling me it's not a big deal and he doesn't want anything.

I shrugged, "I have absolutely no idea. He says he doesn't want anything." I told her honestly. I don't want to be a horrible girlfriend and not get him anything. I was planning on getting him a new car but that might be too much. A party?

"Girl, I should literally slap you. Of course he wants something for his birthday! He just doesn't want to pressure you into buying him anything. How about you throw a huge party? I'm sure he would love that." Rebecca moved closer to Sean. Klaus and him had their heads down. Obviously they're getting high. Coach wasn't here today so we have a substitute. I know Archer wanted something special but a party? I don't know.

Rebecca placed her hand on Sean's shoulder, "Dude, you're an addict when it comes to coke."

Sean shrugged his shoulders and laughed under his breath. He continued to crush the pills. Klaus placed the straw to his nose and sniffed the drugs. I don't enjoy these moments when Klaus gets high. I don't want anything to happen. Klaus tilted his head back quickly and took a deep breath. He started laughing hysterically. "You need to loosen up Selena. I'm pretty sure Archer just wants in your panties. Best present you can give him."

Sean slapped Klaus's hand. I can't believe Klaus just said that. I love Archer I really do but I don't think I'm ready to have sex with him. I mean he has a great body don't get me wrong but I want it to be special. I want it to mean as much to me as it does for him. Slapping Klaus upside the head I noticed Damon and Logan making their way up the red bleachers. Damon doesn't have this class. He's skipping again. Rebecca checks her breath real quick and runs her hands through her hair. Damon and her should date already.

"Hey crackheads." Damon patted Klaus and Sean's head. They both almost pushed him down the bleachers. Klaus and Sean kept laughing about random things. Rebecca moved closer to me again. Damon and Logan stood in front of us with smirks on their faces.

"Hey, Becks." Damon stared down at her lips. He crouched down, their faces two inches apart. Rebecca rolled her eyes. She's probably use to his tricks. Logan sat next to me. Both of us watching the show.

"Want to go on a date with me?" he asked sweetly. Smoothing her cheek and moving his face closer. Did Damon just ask Rebecca on a date? He doesn't ask girls on dates! He usually just asks them to meet him somewhere so they can hook up. Rebecca didn't look phased at all. She's probably squirming inside.

Rebecca patted his cheek, "No thank you." she smirked. What! Damon looked hurt but he quickly changed his expression and gave her the puppy dog face. Aw! "Why not?" he pouted.

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