All Good Things

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Well guys, like all good things... This had to come to an end. I really enjoyed writing this story. I fell in love with the characters, because in some way or another, each of them represented a piece of me.

Sometimes we want something based on the simple fact that that's all we've known for a while. Other times, we're holding on in toxic situations just for the sake of being able to say we have someone.

NEVER put up with anything for the sake of having something.

Know your worth, know that you are beautiful, and if you're not getting what you deserve... Understand that you deserve better! Love yourself first!!! NO ONE will love you better than you.

If a situation is just that, a situation... Never call it love!!!

Thank You all for reading!!!

And to that lonely girl longing for forever, when the time is right... You'll definitely find your forever! You just have to be patient. Sometimes he/she is someone you never expected.

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