Episode 8

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Raina released a heavy sigh as she leaned against the closed door of her quarters after having separated from Seonu once they had reached Hwarangdo. She couldn't bring herself to acknowledge what had happened just a few hours back. Attempting to not dwell on that particular matter, she entered her quarters and got ready for bed, her mind heavy. Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a past filled with things she'd rather not relive.


The dorm room of Seonu, Jidwi, Yeol, Banryu and Suho was filled with yawns as half-asleep men woke up early for their punishment. Dressing himself in his Hwarang attire, Yeol waited until Suho had left, before speaking. 

"I heard that you sexually assaulted a young maiden in the backyard of Okta last night. " he said, directing it at Banryu.

Hanseong, who had for some weird reason, woken up earlier than them and had joined them in their room, gasped in shock. 

At Yeol's statement, everyone's eyes snapped up to where Banryu stood, flustered, attempting to defend himself when Yeol continued, "Not only that, you sexually assaulted the girl who Suho likes."

Aware of everyone's curious gaze, Yeol whispered in Banryu's ear as soft as he could and smirked as he drew back, seeing Banryu's widened gaze. Smiling at his roommates and Hansung, he exited the room, fanning himself as went.


Before their punishment started, Banryu rushed to the Physician's quarters and rounded a corner when he bumped into someone causing them to both tumble to the floor. Lying on the hard floor, Banryu's breath was caught in his throat as he witnessed the person he had bumped into her.  His gaze roved her face, captivated by Raina. Her eyes were closed, she was probably slightly knocked out, and her lips were slightly parted as her head lay on his outstretched arm he had instinctively put out when they fell. 

(If anyone has watched 'Moon Embracing the Sun' in the scene where Kim Yoo Jung follows the yellow butterfly and sees Yeo Jin Goo on the ladder and he falls and they land on the floor, his left arm outstretched and her head is lying on it. this is that scene)

Entering her chamber, Banryu placed the unconscious Raina on her bed and took a seat on the nearby chair. Gazing at Raina's peaceful features, Banry found himself tucking the stray piece of hair that had escaped her braid behind her ear as he softly spoke, "Who are you, to make feel this way? I think I like you. And I'm afraid that I won't be able to protect you." 

Thinking that he had said too much, he abruptly stood up and exited the room, not noticing the wild flowers that lay on the table. After Banryu left, Raina slowly came to her senses. She remembered bumping into somebody as she had rounded a corner, distracted by a blue butterfly, and falling down and getting herself knocked out. She also faintly remembered someone speaking to her and tucking her hair behind her ear but she shrugged it off as her wild imagination. Slowly sitting up, she caught sight of the flowers that lay on the table and smiled as it triggered a memory.


Raina was aimlessly wandering around and was near the bridge overlooking the pond when she caught sight of Hansung. She was about to greet him when she noticed the dejected look on his face as he stared at something in his hands. Careful to be unnoticed she slowly tiptoed until she was next to him and poked his cheek. 

"What are you doing?" she asked. On hearing her voice, Hansung jumped back startled and hid both his hand behind his back, arousing Raina's interest even further. 

Hwarang : A Different Narrativeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن