chapter one

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It wasn’t my best day but it wasn’t my worst either. I hadn’t done anything awful...yet. “Morgy.” He said in a whinny voice. “Come on.” He said in a commanding voice.

I looked over at him as he lay on my bed sprawled out. I’d just gotten home from school, and after avoiding a bunch of pricks and whores I was tired. I never saw Dorian at school but I never said anything about it. He would always just turn up in my room every now and then. Sometime I’d see him around but no one else ever seemed to see him.

I’d mentioned him to my mom once and she just said that she didn’t know who I was talking about. “Don’t lie to me. I know you don’t get along with any one at school but don’t make things up.”

That was all she said after I mentioned him and I never did it again. As far as anyone else was concerned Dorian didn’t exist. Just because they hadn’t seen him, like I always did.

 “Go away.” I grumbled to him. He hadn’t bothered to show up for at least two weeks and I’d had to come home and sit in my bed alone. He was always the one I talked to after school. I poured my feelings out to him. Gosh it was great to at least have him if not one else.

“Oh come on Morgan, I was busy. I’m sorry I haven’t been around for a while, but I couldn’t help it.” He said in a fake pleading voice. He was mocking me for making a big deal out of it.

“Oh shut up.” I said turning. I wasn’t going over there to lie beside him and he knew it. Without a word he jumped off my bed and grabbed my wrist pulling me up. This was another thing that he did. He was extremely sadistic. He could be so nice one second and when I pushed him too far he became sarcastic, rude, and teasing to the point I could cry.

“If you don’t get over there I’ll make you.” I rolled my eyes at him. I wasn’t in the mood for this and I pulled away, my wrist twisting out of his grasp.

“Just go away, okay?” I pleaded. I really was mad at him, he must have known because he grabbed me again in a firmer grasp and wouldn’t release me. He knew I hated when he restricted my range of motion. I grabbed his hand and tried to pry my wrist away but it did nothing.

“Will you get over to the bed now?” He asked smirking devilishly at me. I sneered and spit at him.

“Let me go, you ass!” I screamed. At that there was a slight sound and then my mom called my name.

“Morgan? Are you alright up there?” she said. I looked at Dorian’s grasp on my wrist and then to the door. If I said no and she came up he’d leave. Well not leave, he’d just be gone. He was good at disappearing. As mad as I was at him for ditching me for two weeks and not letting me know anything I knew I would majorly hate myself if I made him leave now.

“Yeah, I’m fine; I just rammed my foot into the dresser.” I responded, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Dorian smirk.

“Just can’t get rid of me.”  He said cockily. He pulled me to the bed but I resisted. He only rolled his eyes at my pitiful attempt and picked me up.

“NO! No, no, no, no, no!” I said in a whispered Yell. He only chuckled, grabbing my flailing hands in one of his and letting me go. I stood on my tip toes as he held my hands up in the air. I could barely touch the ground and I could tell that my face was red with anger. He, on the other hand was loving it. He laughed, but did not release me.

“Dor, you let me go or I’l-” His lips were on mine then. Soft and pleasing as always, his mouth was as sweet as always, but I dare not kiss him back. He’d pissed me off and he still hadn’t let me go. I stayed frozen as I was until he stopped looking at me and then used his other hand to softly graze my neck with his fingertips. This caused me to shiver and he let me go then, pushing me back as I stumbled back against the wall as he crushed his lips to mine. I slid down the wall then, but his mouth never left mine once. His fingers tangled in my hair, and then moved to cup my cheeks.

“You’ll do what?” He asked then and I gave a huff. “Huh?” I questioned and he chuckled at my forgetfulness. He kissed me again, picking me up and carrying me to my bed. He placed me on it softly and climbed on it after me. I pulled away quickly.

“You’re still an ass.” I murmured as he kissed me softly hugging me to him as my back ached.

“But I’m your ass.” He murmured into my neck as he pulled me to him. “Hmmm Mine.” He said into my skin. He pulled away then and collapsed beside me on the bed. His grey blue eyes smiled with mischief. His hair was tussled, sticking every which way. “Here.” I said as I smoothed down his thick dark chocolate hair and then trailed my fingers to his cheeks. He shivered with his eyes closed. His face structure was perfect and pleasing to look at, I could stare all day, and his freckles too, lightly sprayed over the bridge of his perfect and strait nose. He opened his eyes then as I inspected him quietly, our eyes met briefly before he jumped on me.

He smirked down at me, and dove in, kissing me full on the mouth, his tongue exploring my mouth. “Dorian-” He quieted me with another kiss before I pushed him away. “Stop it.” I said in a pout.

He knew what he did to me. He drove me crazy. He stared down at me for a second before falling back on me. “No.” He said kissing my neck and running his hands over my waist and pulling my thigh up to wrap around his.

There was a knock at my door and he rolled off of me onto the ground behind the bed. My mother entered the. “Hey sweetie, I was thinking of going out for dinner tonight, but if you don’t want too…” She trailed off.”

“No I want to.” I said. “Just let me get my shoes on.” With that she closed the door. I sighed and closed my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose.

“That was close.” I said waiting for a smart ass remark, but none came. I didn’t have to check, I knew he was gone. This was what I meant when I said he just disappeared. One moment he’d been here with me and now he wasn’t. I sighed. I hated when he did this. 

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