30♧ Realised Feelings

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"I have never, once, hated you..

I just love you so much that I didn't know how to express it."

His words struck right into my heart. This is what I have been yearning to listen..

He finally confesses...

"I'm so sorry. I was a fool. I kept on hurting you. It's all my stupidness... my stupid ego, my stupid jealousy..." He stated softly as he brushed my cheeks, his touch so loving and so dearly.

Still cupping my face with his hands, he pulled me in and pressed his lips, softly on mine.

Slowly, his hands made way to my waist as he pulled my whole body towards him as he deepened the kiss.

I slowly closed my eyes as I embraced him, and kissed back.

Slowly a tear fell down from the corner of my eyes, but it was a tear of happiness.

He wasn't lying to me.

His kiss..proved it all.

When we broke apart, he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Y/N-ah, saranghaeyo."

"Nado." I replied as I squeezed into his embrace once more. I just can't believe it's true. It wasn't an unrequitted love after all.

Now I am proud and grateful to say that I have the best of both worlds.

The best part time job, the best moments with the person I longed for, everything.

Played By FateWhere stories live. Discover now