Darling, You're Always the Best

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I read this before and I love it so much and I'm so happy there's actually four parts yaay!

darling, you're always the best
AO3: tippytoetomlinstyles


The thing with these two boys is this: one longs for control, and the other willingly gives it away. If you can't tell that Louis is the one who takes over, the one who makes Harry yield, stop, listen, swoon and melt into a puddle of submissive goo, you're obviously looking at the wrong couple... It's on rare occasions when Harry misbehaves. It's usually out in public when they tone down everything, when Harry is in a normal headspace, when he's hanging out with friends that aren't the boys of the band, or at times when they are out and he will just disregard anything Louis says to fight for control again. But there are also times where he just won't listen, like his head isn't on right, like he's just had a meltdown and the submissive part of him is off, like he's spiralling out of control, and that is where Louis needs to step in, reign him back and make him slip, make him fall back into the languid headspace where he can calm himself and then come back up from the drop, and he's happy and listening and back to normal Harry.

In a room full of people, the biggest in there is Louis Tomlinson. That is only in theory, of course. It would seem hard to believe, with him being the short, curvy, beautiful god that ever was; that is unless you know him. If you know anything about Louis, you'd know that he's loud, really loud. He is a bouncy ball of crazy energy, yet he knows when to be calm and tame; but even then his quirky little personality shines through like a stream of sunlight coming through a crack of a dark room. Louis is Louis, there's no other way to describe him. He's got the soft as silk voice that makes you weak at the knees, a smile to light up the world, hair like a model and an ass that beats out Beyoncé. And all of this trumps the fact that he's not as tall as the others in group, or as tall as the people in the room, it makes him seem larger than life.

On the other end of the scale, the smallest in the room is Harry Styles. Again, this is only a theory. Harry Styles is tall, very tall. He's lanky and gorgeous and everyone swears if he wasn't a singer he could be a model. His curls are unruly and you can't help but want to run your fingers through it; his eyes, as corny as it sounds, you could practically swim in the clear green irises that had about twenty different shades of green and blue within them. His voice is sultry, soft and growly and basically sex. That is all you could say to describe it. His disposition when in a quirky interview with his band mates varied between giggly and kitten, or complete cheeky bastard, sometimes both. But in more important interviews at award shows or television, he's composed and a proper gentleman that makes your heart melt. In total, Harry Styles made you feel like you needed a cold shower, all the time.

The thing is, the two of them complete opposites. Well, in most ways they are. But there is something so uniquely different between the two that they go together like peanut butter and Oreos. The absolute fondness they have for one another is enough to make the weary love yearning people of the world go into a catastrophic heart wrenching fit because these two are simply perfect for each other in every possible way.

The way Louis and Harry portray their relationship is different than the way they are at home. Out in the public eye, it's casual. There would be times when Louis' hand rests on Harry's waist because Harry is as clueless and clumsy as a stumbling new baby deer, learning to walk on his new legs. He's never really grown into the long legs, he's just managed to stumble and know that Louis will be there to guide him and show him the right way. There would be times when they'd go shopping and Harry would drink from Louis' Starbucks (with permission of course), and Louis would make Harry try on ridiculous things because he thinks it's funny, and Harry will come out of the dressing room with flushed cheeks and clumsier than ever but Louis is grinning and telling him he's beautiful even though he looks ridiculous in a dorky shirt (like the rubber ducky one) and it makes Harry blush and beam. In their mind, that's casual. But behind the doors of their flat? That is a different story.

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