Chapter 2

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I quickly ran behind a door. Then Mr Sweet our head teacher came inside, luckily he didn't see me.

"Is anybody in here?" he screamed.

Then he just went away and I took the cup back into The house and put it under my bed.

Joy's POV

As I came into the dining room where we eat I saw Fabian and Nina whispering to eachother. I was gone for the whole year and now I come back and see Nina stealing Fabian away from me. We used to be really close but now I'm not sure anymore.

Patricia's POV

We were all eating breakfast and then Amber whispered into my ear that there was a Sibuna midnight feast meeting in the Attic room and I passed it on to the other members of Sibuna.


"It's 10 o'clock! You know what that means, you have 5 minutes to get to bed and then I want to hear a pin drop!" Victor shouted from the hallway while dropping his pin.

It's his usual thing. Then at midnight we all crept out of our rooms and saw that Victor was gone which meant we could go up to the Attic...

Amber's POV

Me and Nina crept out of our rooms and saw Patricia in the corridor.

"Do you have the key to the Attic?" I asked Nina.

Then before she could say anything the door from the Attic room slowly opened it self...

"Welcome back to creepy towers." Said Patricia.

"Let's go!" said Nina.

So we all went upstairs and eventually all the members of Sibuna came.

"Sibuna everybody. Welcome back." I said while putting my left hand over my eye. ( this is our Sibuna sign!)

"Sibuna!" everybody replied.

We started talking and then Alfie accidentally poured juice on me!

"Alfie!" I screamed. while everybody laughed.

Then we herd the stairs creep and the room went silent...

In came Joy asking why we are having a midnight feast here without her and the others who followed her into the Attic room.

"SUPRISE!" Patricia screamed.

Then everybody went and sat down. I went to get more sheets because the floor was dirty and when I grabbed a sheet under it was a beautiful old doll house that looked exactly like The House Of Anubis.

"Wow!" I said in shock.

However We heard Victor scream from outside the Attic door.

"Who ever is up there, come down NOW!" He screamed.

So we all took the food and went downstairs...

Nina's POV

Now was the perfect moment to find a place for the cup! so I took it out from my bag and began searching then my locket started to shine at this place and I realised it opened so I quickly put it in there and closed it. Luckly before Victor saw me.

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