Melizabeth (meliodas x elizabeth - the seven deadly sins)

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Date night
Elizabeth's pov

-I wonder why Meliodas asked me to wear this...- I had walked into our room and saw a bag on the bed with a note from Meliodas. It was just a normal day (or so I thought)

Hey Elizabeth, I got you this outfit. Put it on and meet me downstairs, at the bar. - Meliodas

The outfit consisted of a white sleeveless dress with a silver belt. It came with silver flats, a thin gold chain necklace and a flower for my hair. It was a beautiful red Amaryllis. -my favorite flower, it's so beautiful- I finish getting ready, making sure the outfit looked nice, I wouldn't want to ruin such a nice gift from Meliodas. Any gift from him is one to cherish. After all he is the man that holds my heart. Even if he wouldn't feel the same. Its not like I can admit to him my feelings , but I am just glad to be traveling with him.

I head downstairs to the bar. I gasp at what I saw..
"Sir Meliodas.." Meliodas was wearing a black suit with a red dress shirt. No tie and he had in dress shoes. He was holding a bouquet of amaryllis flowers. *blush* -he looks so amazing- I can't help but to stare.

Meliodas pov

Today is the day. I've finally saved up the money from profits from the Boar Hat to take Elizabeth out for a night on the town. I've been in love with her since we met. I have been saving up to finally tell her how I feel. We are gonna go shopping and get something to eat , and then watch the sunset. It's then I'm going to let her know how I truly feel about her.

Elizabeth comes down the stairs and stops and stares at Meliodas
-oh man she's staring. I hope I look ok I really want this to go well- I walk up to her and hand her the flowers. I smile at her "you look really beautiful Elizabeth" I blushed
"Th-thank you sir Meliodas" she smiles. "I really like the outfit. But why did you get it for me ?"

"Oh I uh.. I got it because it reminded me of you. Oh I hope you're hungry. We are going shopping then out to eat tonight" I replied , really nervous.
"Oh that sounds really fun"
"Alright let's go !"

I escort her to the shopping center in town, her arm wrapped around mine. We spent a couple hours of walking around shopping. I just couldn't keep my eyes off her the whole time. Her smile is perfect.

"Elizabeth are you hungry ? The ramen shop I wanted to take you to is just down the street"
"Oh yes. Ok" she smiled at me. I blush more. She's so amazing. We walked down the street. I grabbed her hand. She smiled and wrapped her fingers in mine. I had the biggest blush on my face of the night. We got to the ramen shop and ordered our food. We talked about the sins and how we knew her father. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

"Oh there's one more thing I wanted to show you Elizabeth." I pulled her along to the cliff near the area. It had the perfect view of the sunset and the countryside. We sat in the grass and watched the sunset. I looked at her, her eyes in awe at the view. *gulp* here goes.

Elizabeth's pov

I've had the most incredible night with sir Meliodas. We ate , talked and just spent the day together. Now we were watching the sunset. This night is almost perfect. There would only be one thing to make it better.

"Hey Elizabeth ?" Meliodas asked.
"Oh yes Meliodas ?" I turn to him. Noticing him really close, he was blushing and looking into my eyes with those beautiful emerald orbs of his.

"There was a reason I brought you out here today. "He looked down, scared. No why does he look scared ? My heart sank at the look on his face.
"What is it sir Meliodas ?" I asked, worried. He took a deep breath and looked up at me.

"I need to get this off my chest, I'll be fine if you don't feel the same, but I wanted to make you aware of my feelings." He replied, taking my hands in his. I look at him in confusion but with a blush on my face.

"Elizabeth, ever since we met, I knew you were the one I'm supposed to be with. The person I want to live for , to protect with my entire being, the one person in this world to make me whole. " I blushed at his words, dumbfounded. -What's going on?-

"What um trying to say is, Elizabeth , I am in love with you..."

Meliodas pov

There. I said it. I actually told her my feelings.

Elizabeth sat there with a blank expression for a couple moments. Then her eyes went wide with realization, there were even some tears. -did I upset her?? I'm honestly terrified of her rejecting me.. Maybe I shouldn't have told her... - I started to speak when I was cut off

Elizabeth's pov

It took me a moment to process what was said. -Meliodas... Feels the same way..? HE LOVES ME TOO?!- my eyes got wide when I realized what happened. I had tears in my eyes I was so happy.

He started to speak again, I couldn't find the words to speak , but to my rescue my body reacted. I practically tackled sir Meliodas to the ground. I felt myself place my lips on his. He froze for a second , but then returned the kiss. We were laying on the grass , kissing a few moments , but then he pulled away and sat up. I got up with him

"Does-does this mean you feel the same way ??" He asked. I smiled.

"I love you sir Meliodas." I smiled. Tears in my eyes.

He pulled me into an embrace. Burying his head in my chest. I smiled and laid back down on the grass, pulling him on top of me. We laid there till we both decided it was time to get back before the others started to worry.

Ok I lied. This was the most perfect night of my life. All because of sir Meliodas.

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