A Bunch of Random People

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Katniss has updated her status:

Katniss: I am the girl on fire


Leo: Well I'm the boy on fire

Katniss: But I'm the Mockingjay

Leo: But I'm Supreme Commander of the Argo II

Katniss: But I'm a tribute

Leo: But I'm a demigod

Katniss: But I'm a victor

Leo: But I'm part of the Heroes of Olympus

Katniss: But I'm a daughter

Leo: But I'm a son

Katniss: But I'm a sister

Leo: But I'm a half brother

Katniss: But I'm a star crossed lover

Leo: But I'm a loner

Katniss: But I'm a hunter

Leo: But I'm a mechanic

Katniss: But I'm a good friend

Leo: But I'm a good friend

Katniss: Well we finally something in common

Leo: Indeed

Leo: So you're a hunter

Katniss: Yep

Leo: So you work for Artemis

Katniss: Excuse me

Leo: So you work for Artemis

Katniss: Who the heck is Artemis

Leo: Um the goddess of the moon and the hunt

Katniss: I still don't know who you are talking about

Leo: Well this is awkward

Katniss: You're telling me


Doctor 9 has updated his status:

Doctor 9: Fantastic!


Doctor 10: Allons-y!

Doctor 11: Geronimo!

Doctor 9: I wear a leather jacket

Doctor 10: I wear an over coat

Doctor 11: I wear a bow tie and a fez

Doctor 10: Why do wear a bow tie and fez

Doctor 11: Because bow ties and fezzes are cool

Doctor 11: Why do you wear an overcoat

Doctor 10: Because overcoats are sexy

Doctor 9: What a flirt

Doctor 10: Oi! Rose liked the overcoat

Doctor 9: Rose? Rose Tyler?

Doctor 10: Is it the same Rose Tyler

Doctor 9: I don't know

Doctor 10: One word is all you get so use it wisely. One word to describe the Rose Tyler you know

Doctor 11: Hey the one word thing is my thing

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