~Chapter 16~

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The sunlight shone onto my face, signalling the start of the day. My insides twist. I only just got to sleep last night, I can't think of anything but sharks and evil mermaids and being torn to pieces at the bottom of the black lake where no one will ever find me. I open my eyes just a bit to let the light in. I sit up and look around the room, wincing as my eyes adjust to the bright light. I feel someone tap my shoulder and turn to see Ginny, giving me a comforting smile.

"It's about time, I thought I was going to have to wake you up!"

"Sorry, sorry... Where's Hermione?"

"I think she's back at the Library reading. You said something about Neville giving you a weed to help you breath last night. She was still at the meeting in McGonagals office. What's Neville giving you again?"

"Gilly Weed. Supposedly it makes you able to breathe underwater." I groan, yawning and clambering out of bed. I go over to my trunk and put on the uniform they gave us to wear; bathers with our robes over the top. The fact they called them 'uniforms' is ridiculous.

"Hey, um, what's this?" I here Ginny ask from behind me where she sits on my bed.I turn to see her holding a small wooden box, with a piece of brown string tied around it fastening a note to it. I furrow my brows and reach over and take it, sitting down on the ground where I was standing.

"I don't... know," I answer, looking up at Ginny. I turn my attention back to the box and it's note, and I untie the string and open the folded piece of parchment. On the front, it says my name in beautiful cursive. Not the sort that someone writes in all the time, but the sort that you use on wedding invitations and special birthday cards. I look inside, and all it says is

Good luck

I look at the handwriting again. Only an artist or someone with a very good hand could write so perfectly. I smile knowingly. I open the box to find a necklace with a simple blue jewel encased in silver inside. Draco. It must be Draco. A good luck gift. I smile and Ginny,

"Draco." She giggles, sighing melodramatically and rolling her eyes.

 "Put it on me will you?"


The three stands sit in the middle of the black lake packed with students from each of the schools. On the bottom of them, there are mostly champions and friends, along with selected teachers. I stand on the bottom of the one on the far left, shaking. My cloak and my one-piece blue bathing costume are the only things I'm wearing, and I'm freezing. Not to mention terrified. The black lake is not called black fo no reason. The water is dark and ominous and seems to taunt me with every ripple. Neville stands beside me, look pale and concerned. In his hand, as he showed me earlier, is a squishy, slug-like weed. He also reminded me that I have to eat it.

"I swear I'm almost as nervous as you," Harry says, trying to pry my eyes away from the water. He succeeds. I turn to him. He is wrapped up and warm with gloves and a Gryffindor scarf. Lucky duck.

"I told you, we feel the same thing... sort of."

"Yeah, I know-"

"You're feeling my nerves." I step up onto my toes as another boat of spectators arrives at our stand. "I wonder where Hermione is."

"You said she was in the Library."

"I got that from Ginny."

"Hermione might have just lost track of time. She'll be here." He says, putting his hand on my shoulder. I turn back to the water.

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