IR Watt Stories and Other Stuff Revisited.

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Some of y'all gonna be mad as fuck about this, but I don't even give a shit.

It's time I stop tip-toeing around about this.

The REAL reason (or elaborated form) why I despise stories that tend to be labeled as Interracial/ BWWM or whatever bullshit y'all label it as.

Truth: I've dated outside of my race before and let me tell why I did it. I did it because he wasn't black and because at the time I was butt-hurt about being burned by a couple of brothas. I was young, I was very young and I had this IDEAL that if I dated someone who wasn't black then he would treat me better than someone who was black..and hell if I married the person and had light-complexion babies with curly hair and grey eyes then that would be PERFECT. Who doesn't want light-skinned babies with good hair that they can show off to their friends right?

And then I found out that just because the guy wasn't black didn't mean DIDDLY. He was STILL an asshole, he STILL did crummy stuff and he STILL screwed me over. And then I discovered that I didn't even like him! I thought his taste in music sucked, I thought he was shady, I thought he was blah blah, a whole bunch of cons. I had to realize that dating outside my race for the wrong reason and saying "I don't date black men because their this and that" had to be some of the dumbest thing I had ever thought, did or said...and why? Because there are a bunch of screw ups in EVERY RACE.

Don't get me wrong (and please don't) there are people out there who date outside of their race because they actually like the person. They like their personality, that other person makes them happy, makes them a better person and to those people who do that I say kudos to you, you're doing it because it genuinely makes you happy. (I have nothing against light complexioned babies by the way, I love love LOVE adorable babies no matter what color they are)

So to those people who do it for the right reasons, or write interracial stories like that, I have no problem with it at all and this isn't for you.

I've heard the term "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one" and these are my opinions.

Most of these interracial stories highlight everything that's wrong with america. AGAIN. Interracial dating is not a problem but Interracial Fetish Dating Is.

My little brother has a white girl/hispanic girl fetish. He say that he won't mess with someone who's dark skinned (his ass so black...I can not EVEN begin to tell you how much I wanted to smack the mess  outta him) in fact he won't mess with black women in GENERAL.

I can't express how much this ANGERS ME. And then you got ignorant ass MF's like Lil Wayne expressly downing dark skinned women and praising light skinned women....but i'm not talking about the light-skinned dark skinned sitch...i'm talking about fetish dating.

Anyway. I's hard enough to date someone. But then to date someone because they don't come from your background saddens me so so much. And then i've done it too, i'm guilty! So when I see a story praising interracial dating like it's the latest fashion trend or it's something new or it's up there with going to an Ivy League college or graduating med school I get pissed.

My thoughts are kinda jumbled now, it's whoever you want, but for the right reason. The only reason is get angry about IR dating is because there are so many black men who down black women and say "I date white women because black women fuss all the time and they don't know how to treat the black man" and I'm just like "BITCH! DO YOU KNOW HOW TO TREAT A WOMAN IN GENERAL? REGARDLESS OF COLOR?"

Have several seats! and then you have some black women (like me once) who are like "I need to get me a white man, I just wanna see what its like."

^I don't know what I'm trying to say up there...but whatever.

Basic moral of this very angry rant....hell i don't know. And don't come at me with "blah blah blah you're racist blah" cuz I really don't give a shit. Everyone is racist...idk why the word even exists, every one is racist to a certain extent and if you say you've never said or thought a racist thing ever in your life then you are a liar and the truth is not in you.

I see INTERRACIAL and then BWWM or and be like wtf is this? Since when did someones race become a category or title?

Date/marry for love-- oh yeah and write watt stories out of love too.

I think this is the angriest, touchiest thing I've ever written.

Send your complaints to File 13

Rory Out, 2's up!

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