The Contestants: Wisdom Galager

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Name: Wisdom Galager

Age: 15

hello my name is wisdom. Nope. I'm not smart. Just a tomboy born and raised on a farm with my mother, father and 6 brothers. I don't really care about this prince Kai and prince Borry or Borries. Whatever his name is. I need to do this to help me family. My youngest brother, mar, is sick. We need a doctor. There's a cash prize just for your name being called. I'm not looking for love. I'm looking for a better life. Love is stupid. I do apologize for my harshness. That's one of my many flaws. I can't help it usealy. I'm so harsh and tomboyish because i mean i have a complicated life. I find love stupid because last year my heart was broken. His name I will not reveal buecause it is not worth mentioning. its all complicated.

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