Chapter Two

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More added from the imagine!!

--Kasey's POV--
Austin and I finally reunited which was very needed I think.

"Look I would love to just sit and talk all day but I have a lot of shopping to do are you cool with coming along?" I said looking at him.

"Yes, of course as long as you tell me everything I missed" he said with a smirk on his face.

-20 minutes-
We pull up to the mall and get out, first place Old Navy.

At the end of shopping there Austin spent 351.83 since he wouldn't let me pay.

I didn't feel as bad because all of that was for Lani since I don't really like Old Navy stuff for me.

Next we go into Forever 21 and I spend about 500 dollars on me and Austin spent about 400 on him.

After that I headed to Victoria's Secret and Austin followed, I spent about 400 there between bras, underwear, and some pajama sets.

After that Austin went ahead and went straight into Bath and Body works so I followed but I knew we had to start hurrying because I still need to get food and all that.

At Bath and Body works we spent about 300 all together and then we headed to Coach so I could get my new purse and Austin did not want to let me pay so he bought me my new purse which was about 350.

After that we headed out of the mall and back to my car to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get my new bed set; however I knew I was probably going to find more to buy.

I only bought the bed set so it was like 139.00.

After that we headed to Walmart and I got food for hopefully the week and our dinner for the night.

Then, we head back to the apartment and he helped me take stuff up then we brought up his suitcases and all.

I organized the bags by which room they go in then I put the food away first.

As I was putting Lani's bed set on I got a phone call from De'arra.

K- Hello?
D- Hey are you home?
K- Yeah, we just got here.
D- Alright. When do you want us to come over?
K- you can come now if you want. Lani isn't here but she will be soon!
D- Alright! We'll be on our way soon then.
K- okay.

After we hung up I went into full gear. I put the throw blanket on the couch, picked up all of Lani's toys and put it in her new toy box.

As soon as I was finished putting my set on my bed and sitting the air mattresses in Lani's room there was a knock at my door.

I open the door and it was De'arra and Ken.

I smile big and hug them both and let them in.

--Austin's POV--

I legit spent the whole day with Kasey and it honestly just felt so right.

I don't know why I left but I must've been stupid I just look at her and have to smile because of how cute she is especially when she's filming.

But anyways, she has friends that are youtubers coming over for dinner and I honestly just want to meet Lani and love her.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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