Chapter 36 ~ Happy Endings

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I slowly opened my eyes and i was sitting in a car. Wait was that just a dream? I don't even remember falling asleep. I quickly grab my phone and go to my contacts. I call Mia. The phone rings, and rings, and rings, and rings, and rings. "Hey!" Oh my god shes alive!!!  "haha just kidding you've reached my voice mail. Leave a message after the beep!" My heart drops, my stomach twists, my brain doesn't even function. It wasn't even a dream, it was all real! I lay my head back on the chair and think about what am I going to do without her. Tears slowly roll well up in my eyes and then i picked up my phone. I looked through all of the photos of us together. Why her! It should of been me. I put my phone down and take a few deep breathes but then I felt my phone buzz. I read the name and covered my mouth in shook! "Geez Liv! Its's 5:40 in the morning. We don't all wake up this early! What did you want?" i was in complete utter shock. "Mia is that you?" I aksed "Yeah" she said in a confused voice. "What is this about?" I took a deep breath. "Nothing just wanted to let you know i love you!" ( in a sisterly way of course )  she chuckled "Love you too!" I laid my head back on the seat when it hit me. What was real? When did the dream even start? Was I with Marcus? Was she with Joey? "So um Mia, hows Joey?" I asked. "What do you mean?" I crap. Whats happing with my life? "Liv, is he still in the car with you or not?" She sounded very worried. I saw Tayler driving and Cameron next to him but I couldn't see Joey but I turned around and saw he was lying down asleep. "Um, yeah he is" she let out a big sigh of relief. "Ok well I will see you when you get home okay" i am so lost "Home?" I asked "Australia??" My eyes widen. "Yeah, what is up with you today? Never mind, I see you at the airport when you land" wait what! "Land?" I could hear that she really wanted to go to sleep. "Land in Australia! Oh my god! Are you at the airport yet?" I was going to the airport? " um..... ok" i just hung up. "Cam" he turned his head. "Yeah?" I scratched my head. "Um, i have a few questions. Um.... Where are we? What day is it? Is Tayler driving us to the airport? Am i going back to Australia? Are you coming with me?" His eyes widened. "Whoah, thats a lot of questions. Well, we are in LA, its Tuesday, Yes he is, yes you are and we all are" well that answers alot. "Who is 'all'? He laughed in confusion. "Um, MagCon. Our next show is there?!" He says trying to trigger something in my brain. "Um what about Marcus Andrews Martinus?" He laughed again. "They have a few more shows to finish in America and then they come back to AU." I just nod my head and close my eyes again. "Hey, theres no use falling asleep again. We are already here!" Tayler stopped the car and we all got out. Tayler woke Joey and soon all the other cars with the other magcon boys pulled up. We all walked into the airport and we almost missed our flight. I fell asleep almost straight away. It was an extremely long flight and I was super tired. I couldn't wait to finally sleep in my own bed.


Well I hope you all enjoyed this book. I have started making the sequel and i will tell you when it comes out. The story will be based through Mias eyes and How she joins magcon. I  will release it when i reach 10k reads and I cant wait!!!

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