Going home....to LA?!?

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Felix: i will leave you two alone 

( i nod my head and i left the room )

(jack pov..... interesting)

(i heard voices.....and someone leave the room)

Mark: .......I should have listened......

(wait... that was mark....... where am i? i tired to move but only got my tips of my fingers to move. But i felt im on a bed and the bed dip a little)

Mark: ..... i'm sorry.....

(Then my voice started working again but broken)

Jack: it's ...... ok

Mark: ....... Jack?

(I fluttered my eyes awake to see mark look at me with such worry)

Mark: Jack! 

Jack: hey marky

Mark: your alright!

(He smiles his most beautiful smile)

Jack: of course...... nothing can beat the boss 

( I started laughing and coughing and i saw mark chuckle as well)

Jack: what... happen?

Mark: well we left the game and passed out

Jack: ok

Mark: Thank god your okay

Jack: well i'm glad your save and ok

Mark: are you kidding.... I thought I was gonna lose you

Jack: what?? 

(i had to lie)

Jack: i had nothing really wrong with me.... your the one that got trapped in the game as Springtrap

Mark: your the one that almost died from a tumor

Jack: oh........the tumor doesn't matter

Mark: Like hell..

(i just sighed and mark came and hugged me)

Jack: its ok mark... really... to be honest I thought the animatronics where gonaa kill you

Mark: Well....

Jack: and mark

Mark: Yeah?

(i went and kissed him and i felt him kiss back and smiled.)

Jack: i love ya mark

Mark: I love you too jack

(i smiled at Mark until my head pounded a little. So hold my side of my head in pain)

Mark: Jack?

Jack: ya?

Mark: Are you okay?

Jack: ya... just my head hurts a little but it's slowy calming down

Mark: okay

(then nurse Ninja comes in)

Ninja: Oh your awake already?

(i just nod...was i still sappost to be asleep?)

Ninja: Just don't do much as your stitches are still healing and don't think much as well

Mark: I think he knows

Ninja: well i will be back in 30 minutes or so to help check the stitches and his condition if he is even alright to be awake

FNAF Last Chance Jack's POVTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang