"I choose Jun--"
"Donghyuk-ah, let's stay together." Junhoe interrupted before I could finish my sentence and walked towards his room dragging Dongdong with him.
Goo Junhoe!! How dare you leave me at times like this?!
As if he could know what I'm thinking, he turned back and smirked at me before entering the room.
Ottoke... who do I choose now?
"Yah it's okay Y/N-ah. Bobby is here." Bobby gave me his famous bunny smile as he started to strode towards me when suddenly someone pulled my wrist and took me with him to his room, leaving Bobby's jaw dropped at his place.
"Yah hyung! How could you!" He stomped his feet pretending to be angry but earning no attention from him.
Jinhwan's POV
I dragged her with me as I walked towards our room and unlocked the door.
Well, it kinda piss me off when Bobby wanted to stay with her in one room.
No, to be honest..
It pissed me off no matter who she chooses, as long as that person is not me.
Finally I released my hand and I could see that she was blushing madly.
Omo.. too cute I can't handle it.
"Jinhwan, why did you choose me?" She asked innocently.
I was taken aback by her question.
"Easier for me since I always need you to run errands for me."
Haha.. see.. my damned ego's acting up again.
"Ohhh I see." She looked kinda disappointed and I wanted to tell her that I wasn't being honest.
"Hmm I'm going to take a bath first." She faked a smile as she went inside the bathroom leaving me no chance to talk to her.
Well, why are you always putting your hopes up, Y/N-ah?
Junhoe is correct afterall, you are a certified pabo.
I was drying my hair with my towel as I exited the door. I saw Jinhwan sitting on the bed staring at me.
I looked the other way as I went over to the dressing table to look at the mirror as I dried my hair.
Ohh ya.. the bed is a king-sized bed.. but there is a couch beside the bed. So I guess I'll be taking the coach, huh?
Suddenly my phone chirped. It was a call from Hanbin.
"Hello Hanbin-ah?"
"Y/N-ah, can you get me handiplasts? I accidentally cut myself just now."
"Ahh sure. Are you okay? Be careful next time!" I furrowed my eyebrows as I asked him, worried.
"Nah... it's just a small cut. Okay I will. Also buy me choco cone and snacks for the boys. Thanks darling!" Hanbin said excitedly but my cheeks flushed red upon hearing the word "darling".
"Yah! Don't be so cheeky!" I chided him.
"Arrasseo! Bye honey!" Hanbin teased again as he cut the call with a loud laughter.
I laughed to myself at his cheesiness before I looked up at the mirror and saw Jinhwan looking completely dissatisfied from the reflection.
"Jinhwan-ah, I'll go out and get some stuffs."
"Or do you mean to go and look for your little boyfriend?"
Wow. The way he spoke it was so sarcastic. What's wrong with him?
"Ani.. I'm doing my job as an errand girl and buying some stuffs on behalf of Hanbin and--"
Tsked. What the heck? Did he just "tsked" at me?
Now I'm completely pissed.
"Asshole! He's not even my boyfriend!" I shouted as I went out, slammed the door behind me.
I was so angry that I stomped out of the hotel and grabbed a taxi to the nearest convenience shop.
"Where do you want to go, miss? (In Japanese)" The driver asked as soon as I hopped on the cab.
Shit.. I muttered under my breath. I forgot that I'm in Japan and I don't even know how to speak Japanese!"
Maybe I should call for help. I gave the driver a hand, indicating for him to give me a moment as I fished my pocket for my handphone.
I face-palmed when I realised I left my phone in the room. And I am.definitely.not.going.back.to.that.room. for now!
I'm so angry. My anger haven't appeased yet.
Argghhhh.. it's just the convenience shop right? I'll get back just fine.
I decided to myself as I showed the driver 7 fingers then 11 fingers telling him that I want to go to 7-11.
He nodded and started the engine.
Pheww... luckily he got me.
Jinhwan's POV
She flared up at me. I should be feeling really crossed because our relationship just got worse but somewhat I was happy because she said that Hanbin is not her boyfriend.
It is already past 4pm.. Where did that pabo went? How could someone go get things until 4 hours yet aren't back yet?
I tried to have a nap but no matter how I twist and turn around, I just couldn't sleep.
Aishhh jinjakk... this girl is driving me crazy.
I dialled her number and then I heard vibration from the dressing table.
Wow.. genius. She didn't bring her phone around when she's out alone in this foreign country.

Played By Fate
Fanfiction♧A Kim Jinhwan fanfic♧ Y/N - a normal high schooler who lived in the rural area, in a moderate lifestyle with her grandma. Her life goal is to excel in her examinations, so that she can get the chance to further her studies in the big cities. One da...