vii. carousel

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                the dare was worth it.
                        hi there.


she is a carousel;
      spinning 'round
      in  n g
      s, fully
      surrounded by
      bright, colourful,
      twinkling lights.

The graceful motion
       reminds me of
       her personality.
       Is she a ride or
       just a misguide?

When she's above,
      she'll suddenly
      go down below;
      that's the extent
      of her perplexing
       ficklenes s.

                 { oh  well ,
                         dear  moodswing }

       d                    d                   d        .  .
          o            p     o           p     o     .     .
   p      w       u         w       u        w  .      . 
u          n ,                n ,                n .          . 

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