2. Library

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Alex sat at his desk with his head down as he wrote his essay for English. He never really had a problem with the subject, but it was the people in the class that bothered him. He couldnt stand it when they started talking and got loud, what was worse was that the teacher hardley did anything since he knew one of the kids parents and such.

What the class was supposed to write about was something that interested them. What made Alex excited about this was that there were no limits. If you wanted to write about the biggest man whore in the world, then you could!

He smirked sligthly to himself as he set his pencil down and sat up looking at him paper. He smiled down at the paper as it was about his favorite topic, killers. He has always had an interest in it, how they would kill their prey, how they would love the feeling they got when doing the process. It sent chills down his spine as he thought about a recent book he found in the library. He was thinking about checking it out after reading some of it during lunch.

As he sat back in his seat waiting for the bell to ring he noticed that the class was watching him, he felt uncomfortable, he couldn't stand the people watching him, looking at him as he was the only one done in class. He was a fast writing as others say, but that could just be because they take so long while talking and such.

Once the bell rang he stood up putting on his book bag and turned in his essay walking to the library. He smiled shyly at the librarian as they were starting to become more of friends in a way since he was in the library all the time. He set his book bag down on a seat and walked off to a shelf where his book was kept, he knew no one who take the book since most students weren't into the topic, and only needed it when writing something on an old famous killer or such.

He sat down and opened the book where it was marked and started to continue reading about the famous, Jeff the killer. He always loved creepypasta and believed most of them hoping to once see something like the such happen.

He continued reading until he felt a strange presence around him, but it didn't make him uncomfortable. It made him feel more embarrassed and happy at the same time, he slowly looked up and around not seeing anyone until he looked carefully at one spot, and noticed a boy standing there facing the direction of him.

He narrowed his eyes trying to see the his face and where he was looking but all he could make out of the boy was that he had a black hoodie on and had matching black hair but it also had white in it or the other way around.

He quickly looked down at his book, as a light pink tinted his cheeks. He got back to reading his book never feeling the presence leave, but he was fine with that.

As the bell rang he smiled a little and got up marking his spot in the book and walked up to the librarian setting it on the counter waiting to check it out.

Once he did he took a deep breath and hid his face with his hair and walked out making sure not to smile, it would only attract more attention to him.

As he was walking he bumped into a few people, but that was normal in their crowded hallway.

Once he got into his classroom he took his seat in the back of the class. As everyone piled into the rook he started to feel that strange presence again, he looked around a bit making sure not to make eye contact with anyone else.

As he was looking to the other side of the room in the back he noticed the same boy from the library. He was a bit sad to notice that he still couldn't see his face, he sighed lightly shrugging it off and turned around to listen to the teacher.

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