ch 2 Bonding With the Neighbours

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Hayleys POV.

We were in a taxi heading to our new house. According to mum her work had supplied her with a 4 bedroom house, right on the outskirts of London. "Ughh people like that piss me off yah know?!?!" Katina was rambling to herself beside me, probably about the guys we just met. I just realized, we hadn't even gotten the names of the other boys, just Harry & Niall.

Finally we arrived at our new two story house... It was massive!! Katina ran inside, dropping her things at the door, like usual, ran up stairs and chose the first room she could see. I hope she’s happy. I ran up stairs shortly after and chose my room. Pretty big, a walk-in wardrobe, big floor space, an en-suit and a big window with a window-seat. My view... The house next door. Great!!!

The moving van arrived and the movers dropped off my furniture and boxes in my room. Let the unpacking begin!

~4 hours later~

Finally! Me and Katina had finished un packing our rooms and helped mum with the kitchen stuff. “Can we go look around our new ‘hood’??” Katina asked trying to be gangster. “Sure but pick up some dinner while you’re out, don’t mind what, just get something.” She handed me some strange lookin cash. “What’s this?” I asked. “pounds, British money.” Mum answered. “Ahhhhh... they work the same as dollars right?” “pretty much, just go you’ll be right, besides your smart girls between the two of you. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” She shooed us out the door.

We walked around for a little while till we came across a few small shops. “OK, we have a corner shop with milk, bread, gum.... ya know the basics. We have a lil cafe, ohhh that’s nice and a fish & chips shop!!” I stared at Katina, she mustn't realize I have eyes and can see perfectly out of them! Mehh, strange child!! “Yum, I’m in the mood for fish & chups bro!” I say to Katina in a weird Kiwi accent. “Quite right chap, shall we?” She replied in a posh accent. We laugh, link arms and skip to the shop.

 What can I say after, a 23 hour plane trip and loads of unpacking, we were a little high. 

Here’s the difference between me and Katina, she is the ‘pinkies up’ kind of girl and I’m a ‘just vacuum it up’, ‘quick and easy’ kind of girl. Katina takes her time with things and well, I don’t. I guess she’ll get along quite well, wont she!!

Harry’s POV

We pull up at our house and see a moving van next door. Well obviously we have new neighbours, maybe we’ll pay them a visit later? I heard Niall's stomach as is made a really weird noise. “You hungry mate?” Louis asks him with a chuckle. “Yeah, I’m always hungry. Thought you lads knew that?” “You’re a bottomless pit mate” Zayn replies, grinning at Niall. “Let’s go get something to eat, yeah?” We all agree and go see our favourite little store.

We were all walking having a laugh, I turned to open the door and..... IT’S THEM!!!

Katina and Hayley standing there, I stopped and didn't want to move, I couldn't. Soon the boys noticed my sudden stop and joined me to see what surprises they would find. “Haz? What’s wrong?” Louis voice made me come back to reality. “Its them... the girls we was at the airport.” I saw Niall come a bit closer. Finally we went in and casually walked past them.

Katina’s POV

“That’s £24.60” the lady said with a big smile. “ummmmmmm, right! Hayley, pay her!” Hayley’s smile turned to a confused frown. “Yeah okay! Uhhh, how do you do this money thing??” I was trying to stop laughing but I couldn't, until someone behind us chuckled. I turned and saw the same five faces from the airport. “Here, allow me.” Harry stepped forward and gave the lady some money, then picked up the bag of food. “Hey, you didn't have to pay for that, we have money.” I protested. “Yeah, and we saw how well that was going!” One of the other boys that we didn't get introduced to chuckled. Hayley narrowed her eyes. “Excuse me, we are fine. Not my fault the money is confusing!” “It’s alright love!” Niall chuckled. She blushed. I raise my eyebrows in aww as I smile to myself. Hayley has a crush!!.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Love, Lust and Neighboursजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें