Into the Schemes of a Liar

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Cheating. Lying. Hating. Hurting. I had felt all of this in the past few months. No one guessed that it would have happened like this. No one would ever had guessed that this was the way things has worked out. 

He had told me he loved me. Told me that nothing would ever change the way he felt about me. He told me that he could be anything that I wanted him to be. I guess that is one of the reasons I fell for him. He told me that he could be anything that I wanted him to be, that I could be anything I wanted to be. Now I get it. 

He had lied about that, too. I really have no idea why I did what I did, but I now regret it. No matter how many times my family and parents warned me to be careful, I never listened, thinking that this was all right. Never guessing that the only reason that I was will him was so he could say that he had a girlfriend and so I could say I had a boyfriend. 

Trust me, this is not a good reason to date someone. 


It all started one week at the camp that my parents ran. He had come to my week of camp, and he had paid way more attention to me than the guy I liked had. We had kind of hung out that week at camp, but I never thought that things would happen like this. He then contacted my best friend after that week of camp had ended. 

He had told her that I was perfect, that I was wonderful, and that he loved me. Then, he made plans to come to our Fourth of July Freedom Fest and under the fireworks, he asked me to date him. 

(One thing you should know about me, I am a wonderfully sappy romantic, so when he asked me out under the fireworks, I just couldn’t resist!) 

Of course I said yes, and then we started “dating”. A few weeks passed, and he came to another week of camp at the camp my parents ran. Everyone that was there told us that we were perfect, and that it was all so wonderful. 

Apparently, when a boy tells you that he loves you right after the first two days of dating, he is really only wanting what you have to give, not who you are. I left for a week of camp in Colorado the day after we got back with my “boyfriend”. 

This week of camp, was so wonderful. The boy I really liked was there, and he was so wonderful. He never really got that I was dating someone else, but he was dating someone else too. I guess we were flirting a bit, but neither of us really got that. 


After a wonderful week, you can imagine my shock when I got home and my best friend told me that my “boyfriend” had broken up with me while I was gone. Apparently, I was “too good” for him. I seriously don’t get that, but yeah.... 

The lies that he had told me ranged from everywhere from that he loved me to that he was cheating on me. Cheating. Lying. Hating. Hurting. I had felt all of these in the past few months, but I know know that now, I was free from that. I know that somewhere out there, there is my Prince waiting for me, and I will have a clean heart finding him. 

Someways, I thank the schemes of a lair. I thank the schemes of the liar for showing me that the easy is not how it works. The pain is not something that you should be used to getting over, and the lies hurt more than the heartbreak. 

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