Secrets Revealed (John's POV)

Start from the beginning

"Sherlock!" The old man grinned, patting him on the shoulder. He had a thin and oddly thrumming voice, otherwise known as nasally. He then turned and gave me a once over, "I see you found your blogger!" The old man then proceeded to slap me on the back, harder than I was anticipating.

"What?" I squeaked, shocked at how this situation was playing out.

"He somehow knew you had been back to Baker Street," Sherlock informed me.

"How?" I glared at the man, suddenly filled with suspicion.

"Mr. Holmes, you've come just in time! I have one copy left of the Maze Runner for you!" The old, oddly dressed fat man grabbed Sherlock by the elbow and dragged us both into the shop, the bell above the door chiming twice to signify the moving of the door.

"You asked for a book?" I hissed from the side of my mouth, leaning closer to Sherlock so that only he could hear. He sighed and leaned down so that his lips brushed against my ear as he spoke, sending shivers of pleasure racing up and down my spine.

"I went in my mind palace, he pulled me out and called me a crank. One thing led to another and I was suddenly being promised a book." He gave my ear a quick kiss, blowing into it and making me giggle, pushing him away with my free hand.

"Aren't you two just adorable? The perfect pair, if I do say so myself." The old man nodded sagely, as if he had just handed us the most sought after answer to the unanswerable question. I grinned and stepped closer to Sherlock, hearing him hum in content as he bundled me up in his arm.

"Son! Get that book from the back room!" The man yelled abruptly. A muffled 'yes father' answered him, coming from behind a flimsy looking door behind an antique looking desk. The latch clicked from the door and out stepped a tall behemoth.

"HAMISH?" I suddenly growled and tried to lunge at him. Sherlock grabbed me harshly by the back of my shirt and yanked me into his chest. I scrabbled and fought against him trying to attack the pale man. Hamish screamed and looked accusingly at his father as he pressed himself against the door.

"Why is he here?!" He hissed.

"He wanted a book." The old man shrugged, smiling merrily, "John, you've already met my son, his name is Hamish. He gave me all the info he could on your and Moriarty's whereabouts so that I could possibly relay them to Sherlock." He walked over to his cowering son and took the book from him. He then waddled over to Sherlock and stuffed the book in his pocket. I was growling and snarling, the need to shift growing until I couldn't control it. I almost escaped out of Sherlock's arms but he grabbed my collar last second.

"Ridgely sit!" He commanded. I growled and looked back at him, but did as I was told. The pajama pants and my jacket were very limiting of my movements and uncomfortable. My hackles were raised, pushing at my jacket with the force of my rage.

"You fucking murderer..." I thought as I glared at Hamish.

"My son had no choice really, Moriarty had his girlfriend." The old man was now sitting on a rung of a bookshelf ladder, peacefully and almost happily explaining the situation, "he tried to help you- he even gave the police the anonymous tip about the body. He was telling me everything he could so that you could get back to your boyfriend." I gathered my emotions and locked them up, forcing myself back into human but I remained sitting on the floor- I hadn't been told I could stand yet.

"He killed Charlie!! He let Moriarty lay his hands on me! HE COULD'VE SHOT THE BASTARD!!" I screamed, lips pulled back menacingly.

"But he couldn't, his girlfriend would've died. But, since you killed Moriarty, his girlfriend lived! So, all's well that ends well! Can I interest you in some tea?" The man stood up and plodded over to the cafe part of his bookshop.

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