Chapter VII

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Who wants that perfect love story any way, anyway

Cliché, Cliché

Cliché, Cliché

Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway

Cliché, Cliché

Cliché, Cliché

What about the bad guy goes good, yeah

And the missing love that's misunderstood, yeah

Black hour glass, our glass

Toast to clichés in a dark past

- Beyoncé Knowles ft. Jay-Z

Mysterious A's Chapter Seven

- Aalea Harriss

"W-What?" Aalea stuttered into the phone. 

Her heart beat was zooming and her mind was racing trying to catch up with it.

"Amare has asked that we contact you. He has suffered a Panic Attack." The doctor explained once again.

Aalea nodded as if he could see her and began taking deep breaths.

"I'll be there. What's his room number?" She asked with a slight tremble in her voice.

"Room 204, floor 3" He replied before cutting the line.

Aalea rushed downstairs and into the kitchen, frantically searching for her mother's keys. She found them next to the toaster. She threw on her North Face jacket and left her home.

On the way to the hospital all she could think about was Amare's health. What if he dies? She thought to herself. When in reality, it was not all that serious; he had experienced a minor attack, nothing to go bonkers over.

Skylar, Damien, and Andrew had already arrived at the hospital. When Amare collapsed, Andrew dialed 9-1-1, and then rushed to his side. When the ambulance arrived, he informed Skylar and told her to meet him at the ER.

Aalea made it to the hospital, thankfully in one piece. She was nervous as hell and found herself thinking twice about going up. But, she initiated that confidence from earlier and allowed her feet to carry her towards the elevator. She found his room with ease and caught the doctor that was walking out of Amare's room.

"Hey! Can you tell me what's up with him before I go inside?" She asked softly.

"Amare has experienced a Panic Attack, which is a part of Panic Disorder. Panic Disorder is a type of Anxiety Disorder in which you have repeated attacks of intense fear that something bad will happen. There really are no specific causes as to why this occurs but symptoms include, nausea, sweating, chills, hot flashes, trembling, shaking, and so on. I suggest he stay away from Caffeine, Alcohol and any drugs including Marijuana and Cocaine." Dr.Selver informed her before giving her a small pat on the shoulder. "Don't be so scared. He's in one piece, I swear." He said, smiling softly before going to tend to another patient's needs.

Aalea took one last gulp of air before releasing and walking inside the room. When she was inside of the four wall entering, three unknown faces turned to her.

Let me take my ass home. These folks look like a bunch stuck up prudes, she shook her head at the thoughts going through her mind.

She ignored the stares and went to stand beside Amare's bed. She tapped him softly causing him to open his eyes. When he saw the smooth skinned face of Aalea's, his world lit up.

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