New Orleans Newcomer

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I gently pushed my way through the crowd, my eyes scanning the street signs, desperately hoping the most familiar one would jump out at me. However, the farther I walked from my hotel, the deeper I got into the city and the more unsure I became of where I was going. New Orleans seemed like an endless maze, streets and buildings everywhere and too many street signs to count. At this rate, I would never make it to my friend's house before dark. The street I was currently on seemed extremely crowded, but like I had read on the internet before I flew out to Louisiana, New Orleans was always bustling with people. I had yet to get used to it, though. I lived in a small town in California and was not quite sure how I felt about it. Trying my best to swerve around people without bumping into them, I weaved my way through the crowd, spotting the sign of a nearby bar.

Rousseau's. Maybe I could get some help from someone inside.

As I made my way towards the sidewalk, someone shoved their way past me, the side of their body having such an impact that it sent me flying to the left. Not having good reflexes was a flaw of mine, so I stumbled to the side, slamming into the person next to me. As I was about to fall flat on my ass, two hands hooked themselves underneath my armpits, pulling me to my feet. In a mixture of shock and confusion, I wobbled, trying to regain my balance. The person who pulled me up placed their hands on my shoulders to level me, slowly letting them slip down my arms as I turned to face them.

Standing before me was a man, an elegant one at that. He was probably almost six feet tall, with a pristine posture and a nicely pressed suit. His face was just as pretty to look at. Strong, chiseled jaw, cleanly shaven, chocolate brown hair, and the most beautiful brown eyes, so deep that I easily got lost in them. When he cleared his throat, I quickly pulled myself from my thoughts.

"Oh, I, um, thank you." I stammered, blushing at my attempt to speak.

"You're quite welcome, darling." I blushed again at the nickname and his alluring accent. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." I nodded, forcing myself to make eye contact with him again. "I was just pushed to the side a little. It happens all the time since I'm so short. No one ever sees me."

Shut up, stupid. Stop rambling.

My subconscious was screaming at me as the man laughed, running a hand through his hair.

"Who could miss you? I certainly didn't when you came crashing into me."

"I'm so sorry!" I instantly apologized. "I really am. I feel absolutely terrible-"

"Hush, sweetheart, it was merely a joke." He chuckled. "I'm quite flattered that you chose me to run into."

Relaxing a little, I let out a giggle. "Oh, yeah. As I was falling, I said to myself,'I'm going to crash into that guy right there.' You're welcome."

"I am very much appreciative." The man laughed, the sound resonating deep within his throat. "Now where were you off to in such a hurry? I saw you weaving through the crowd like a woman on a mission."

"I'm going to meet a friend, but I simply can't find my way around this city. I'm totally not used to the crowds and I think that's part of my problem."

"I'm guessing you don't live in anywhere near a city this size. Maybe a small town girl?"

"Is it that obvious?" I grinned as he nodded. "I'm from Hollister, California. I don't think you can get much more in the middle of nowhere."

Elijah Mikaelson One Shots Where stories live. Discover now