Chapter 10: The Date & The Douche.

Comenzar desde el principio

'That's good, because I lik-'

'Well..Isn't this nice.' I hear someone say. Oh no. This is not happening.

'Why are you here?' I sneer, glaring up at a very slutty Nakira Zumataki.

'I just wanted to see Gaara again. After all, Sasuke gets boring.' She says in a teasing voice. She acts as if she's more mature than me! She is only two years older then me! Wait..See Gaara again?

'I don't even know who you are. Please leave.' Gaara says, annoyed.

'Of course you don't. I remember, secret.' She says, giggling. Secret?

'W-what?' I stutter.

'Aki, let's go. Please.' Gaara says, looking pissed.

' you know her?' I say, pulling my hand out of his grasp.

'I've seen her around the village, but no, I've never actually met her. Now let's go. This is ruinning my other plans.' He says. I raise my eyebrows. Other plans?

'With you. I have the whole night planned out.' He says.

'You mean..there was more?' I say, shocked. He nods, then pulls on my hand again.

'Aww, Gaara. Remember our night like this?' Nakira teases, jumping down from where she was purched on a tree.

'Look slut. Knock this shit off. I'm already pissed. Just leave and I won't hurt you.' I say, feeling Atsukami, the evil side of me, stirring. Shit, not good.

'Oh? And what's a little Princess like you going to do?' She says, standing in defense position.

'Princess? Explain.' I say, giving her a threatening look.

'You don't know? Really. Well, may as well tell you the whole story. Dearest sister of mine.' She says, a smirk on her face.

'What?! EXPLAIN!' I say,getting angry.

'Aki..come on..' Gaara says.

'Look. I want answers. I have none.Please?' I say, looking at him.

'Fine. Kiss me first.' He says, serious.

'W-what?' I say, blushing.

'I want you to kiss me. Just in case I won't get to kiss you when our date is over.' He says, stepping closer. I nod, then step into his arms. I gently press my lips to his, immediatly feeling something. What?! What's going on? This couldn't be .. no. Sparks?

'Ahem.' Nakira says, and I quickly break away. Blushing, I turn to Nakira.

'Alright. Begin.' I say, sitting down on Gaara's lap. Ohmeygod. I'm on Gaara's lap!

'Well, you already know your not from the Karasu clan...So we'll start there.' My mouth slightly falls, realizing that Inuyasha isn't really my brother..

'Alright.Your from the Kimimoso clan. The royal family of the Land of Ribbons. Your name is Miki. Your next in line, but no one from the Land of Ribbons knew the fake name given to you. We've been searchign for you for years..' She trails off. She pulls her low cut shirt down shorter, just to remind us she is still Nakira Zumataki...Wait, Zumataki? And my name is Miku?

'But your last name is Zumataki? So, how am I your sister? And you met me a couple years ago, so you could'nt have been searching for me for years.' I say, as Gaara squeezes my hand.

'I was shunned from the Kimimoso clan. For murdering your fake family.' She says, sneering.

'B-but my father..My fake father..' I say, confused.

All Those Happy Endings, And This Is The One I Get?! (A Naruto Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora