"Hello?" I this with obvious confusion.

"Hello , Abby."

"What the problem uncle ? You don't. Call unless it's an emergency. What is it?" I said a tad bit harsh but he was killing my happy vibe which was going down hill .

"Your never this rude Abby is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Uh .. Sorry. I'm just dealing with stuff now."

"Is it Trent?"

"No . Actually thing are doing fine between us but you know. I'm just trying to figure all this out ." Which wasn't by a complete lie.I was actually trying to figure out were me and him stand . Even after all this I didn't know if we were together or we just accepted each other . Does that make sense ? Probably not .

"Thats good then. "He sighed ." I was calling to tell you that we need you to help us."

"Help ?" Don't get me wrong , I live helping but the last time I helped my uncle , let's just say things didn't turn perfect .

"Yes . We need you present yourself in front of one of our supporters. He says he wants to meet the owner of the company not me. He will no longer support us if he doesn't get to meet you . And he is a big supporter of ours, we can't afford for him to withdraw, we had a good year so far, we don't need this. Besides all he wants to do is meet you."

"So . He just wants to meet me ? That's it?"

"Yes, of course." Huh? This sound strange . Why would a guy want to meet me ?Like what is so big about meeting me ? I guess it's not bad so why not ?

"Okay. When is it?"

"Two days, our company , at 2:00 pm ."

"Deal. I'll guess Ill see you their. Bye."

"Bye ."

I hung up still confused of why this man wanted to me. I turned around to find Trent standing their with a box .My heart jumped a little but I calmed myself down after I screamed, a little . Just a little .

"Hey." I said as my stomach rumbled ."I'm starving, how about we watch a movie and eat. Your choice." I said heading toward the kitchen.

"Who was that ?" He asked

I stood their looking down as I placed pizzas on two plates."My uncle. He said he needed some help with his work this Tuesday . So I have to go and help."

"Oh." He said grabbing the plate that I handed to him." So your leaving early?"

I shrugged ." I guess . I mean I have to help him . He is my uncle and I guess it can effect me as well ."

"Alright . We are leaving tomorrow so I guess you can have Tuesday off ."

I looked up at him ." No. I'll just leave early . I mean. If it's about us that you want to give me the day off then I don't want it."

"No. I just think you'll be jet lagged ."

"Oh. " I said taking my plate with two cans of soda in my hand . " I guess."

"What movie are we gonna to watch ? " he said changing the topic which I didn't mind . I didn't want to continue talking about my life . I didn't want him digging and I surely wasn't ready to release any of big information. I guess people were right . Timing is everything .

"Your choice."

"The new Captain America ?"

"Yes ! I've been dying to watch that." If you probably haven't noticed, superheroes are my thing .

He laughed." Your still the same."

I smiled . He remembered .


Uh ....... Jk

End !!!!

To this chapter obviously ....

I wanted to make this longer but then I would release to much in one chapter and that wouldn't turn out good .... Now would it ??? Your probably like - yes it would - lol .

I'm truly sorry for updating late - be grateful people- is didn't even do my project.


I was just lazy ....

Tehee ...

+ I would gladly appreciate it if you Comment something - anything - please with a pickle bar on top ... Lol... No more like a cookie bar on top - props to dat !!! Wohoo ... Cookies!!!!( I like brownies too ) shh...) cookies!!!! Yuss !!!!

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