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       I'm done

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       I'm done. I'm dead. I am no longer capable of emotions because after that episode, my feel meter is through the roof. That episode made my shitty day so much better, and I'm thankful that the teen wolf writers did what they do best.

       I guess I'll start from the beginning, where it opens up with freaking Lydia reaching out to Stiles in the rift. let me tell you how many westallen vibes I got there (if you ship them I love you) and just lord, her face as she looks at him and his as he tries to reach her was too much for me. that was strike number one for my emotions...and trust me, there will be plenty more strikes to come.

and trust me, there will be plenty more strikes to come

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       I loved all of the Malia/Lydia scenes tonight. I'll never like them more than allydia, but this shit right here is A1! They look so good together too aldsjf I love them so much. And I mean I see how some people think "Lydia left Malia for Stiles..." which is sort of true, but I think she got one of those banshee feelings and of course had to follow her senses, like how she did in season 3 when she woke up the middle of the night and found herself by the pool staring at a dead body. It's more of instinct of her, and she knew Stiles was in trouble and went to help. She knew Malia could protect herself, and she did.

       and for this being a mid season finale, I'm still surprised by how many funny lines we got! This season has been pretty dark, and I'm so freaking glad that they decided to funny it up a little bit to ease the tension. My personal favorites were "God I hope they let me graduate" and "Were we THAT bad?" and "He's not apart of his pack, but I am" LAWD I love all of these characters so much, they all really hit it home.

 My personal favorites were "God I hope they let me graduate" and "Were we THAT bad?" and "He's not apart of his pack, but I am" LAWD I love all of these characters so much, they all really hit it home

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