Talk, and i'll listen

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  • Dedicated to Sammantha Heo

Talk, and I'll listen.


Title : Talk, and i'll listen.

Category : One shot (Orginal Characters)

Cast : Isa Lightwood and Ben Chase.

Ship name (cuz i like the way it sounded) : Isaben

Rating : General


I knew a girl. A girl who sat next to me. She wasn't like any other girls, because she was one of the only ones who could make me laugh.

Her name, was Isa.

I first met her in algebra class, when the teacher assigned seats to everyone. That was how I ended up with her.

"Hey, Ben! So, we're desk partners. Cool, huh?"

I looked at her brown hair and blue eyes, and turned away. Better isolate myself from her first, lest she talks to me.

And boy, did she talk.

"Hey, Ben. Wassup? Are you going to the science fair?"

"Hello, Ben! What'cha working on?"

"Ben, please lend me your math homework. My dog ate mine. I'm serious!"

Then, one day…

"Hey, Ben. Ben! I think the teacher's butt is flat. I mean, just look at it! Its just two squares slapped together."

I stared at her serious face, then at the teacher's behind.

I snickered.

Her face immediately brightened up, smiling like the chesire cat.

"Hey, you laughed!"

"Wait, what? Oh. Actually, I snickered. But yeah. I laughed." I said, smiling uncontrollably.

"I mean, you were treating me like last week's old rubbish. I was getting worried."

I raised an eyebrow. "Who knows? You might be last week's old rubbish."

"Wow. Im hurt. Really deep. You've got to compensate me."

"Oh? Compensate?"

"Yeah. You have to promise me that you'll talk to me like this everyday."

And so i did. Not because of the promise. She was really funny and unique, and I liked her for that.

"Oh my gosh, Ben! Amanda's dating Mr Cedric?!"

"You didn't know?"

"Of course I didn't! Woah, when did they start?"

We had these conversations daily. She would be the one talking, and I would give vague answers, laughing or smiling occassionally. And even if I denied it often, the talks with Isa were the highlights of my high school life.

But, all good things must come to an end.

One day, I arrived in the classroom, surprised to find the seat next to me empty. Isa always arrived earlier than me. Oh well, I suppose she's late.

But she didn't arrive that day. Nor the next day. Nor the next.

I was getting worried.

Finally, two weeks later, I saw Isa sitting at her desk, a forlorn look on her face.

I hurried to her, and sat down on her left.

I could tell by the tilt of her head that she noticed I arrived, but she didn't turn towards me. Neither did she say anything, a fact i found extremely disturbing. I kept my silence for a while, before popping the question.

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