Roselina's POV
"Mate." As I was thinking this word, someone growled it out loud. The next I knew, the wolf was lying in a pool of blood and burning in black flames.
I was terrified beyond words now. I was shaking all over. Stuff like wolves being thrown and burning in a pool of blood and black flames was something only one race could be possible of. Dragons.
They hated us wolves. You see, the moon goddess (she created us) and the dragon god (he created the dragons) hate each other. They were brother and sister, torn apart by power. They both wanted more power and they stood in each other's way of getting it.
They made it so dragons and wolves would never be able to get along. Dragons are much stronger than wolves and more violent. If they so much as smell us, they attacked, killed, and burned.
We never cross over into dragons' territory. We know they'll kill us before we even realize where we were.
I could tell though, I was currently in dragon territory. I was going to die. I'm sorry mate! Please forgive me for leaving you all alone!
I was shaking like crazy and I wasn't doing anything to stop it. I just squeezed my eyes shut and waited to be killed, to be ripped apart, to be burned, but none of that ever came.
Instead, I was gently picked up by giant, scaly hands.When I say giant, I mean giant. These hands were huge! I mean the size of a punch buggy huge! Both of them were that big!
I squeezed my eyes shut tighter because I knew what these hands belonged to. Dragon.
I had no idea why he picked me up. As I already said, dragons hate us. I didn't know what he was going to do to me or why he hasn't killed me yet.
I felt his eyes looking down on me. I wasn't about to look up. No, I was not going to look at this dragon. Maybe if I tried hard enough, I could run away. Yeah. That's a good idea.
Right as I was about to jump out of his hands and flee, I heard it. "Mate!" He growled loudly, sending shivers down my spine. They were good shivers.
Wait... D-did he say... M-mate?! I started shaking worse. This isn't happening. He isn't talking to me. I am not mated to a dragon. "Mine!" He growled again, this time with more power and possessiveness.
I shivered again. Oh my goddess. He was talking about me! Shit! Why me?! As if life wasn't hard enough!
Even my wolf was terrified! He's going to reject me! I just know it! Dragons hate us! He's going to reject me then kill me!
This isn't fair! All my life I have been waiting for my mate! It's why I lived because I though he'd save me and we'd be happy! But no! Fate had to give me a dragon mate and he's going to reject me.
"You are mine! Mine only! My mate! I'll kill any male I see that touches you!" He snarled. H-Holy shit... He wasn't rejecting me... H-he was... Being possessive. He wanted me! He wanted me!
Happiness swelled inside of me as he pulled me to his scaly dragon chest. I couldn't smell him because of the blood, but I bet he smelt amazing.
"Look at me, mate." He ordered. I slowly opened one violet eye and then then the other. He was huge! He was bigger than a school bus!
My eyes were wide with shock. He smiled at me kindly. "You have beautiful eyes, mate." I immediately looked down in embarrassment. If I wasn't in my wolf form, I'm sure I'd be blushing up a storm.
He chuckled softly. "You're cute." He laid down on his back and began to pet me. Instantly I felt pain. I whimpered loudly. It wasn't his fault. I was just sore from all the beatings I had gotten.
He immediately stopped and looked at me worried. "Did I hurt you?" I lower my ears and shook my head. I didn't want him to think it was his fault.
He looked a bit relieved it wasn't him. "Shift." He ordered. I whimper and give him the puppy dog eyes. He shook his head to tell me it wasn't going to work.
I whimper again. I didn't want him to see me... I'm all... Bruised and beaten... I was ugly. Who would want a mate covered in huge black and blue bruises all over their body?!
I started to shake again as I began to shift back into my human form. He studies me and smiles, until he notices the bruises and he snarls. "Who the hell did this to you?!" His voice boomed.
I flinch and whimpered. He notices and calms down a little. "M-my o-old p-pack..." I squeak out. He growls again.
"They're dead. All of them. I'm sending all the dragons out on them!" He snarls while glaring in the direction I came from.
Wait... All the dragons? Unlike us, the dragons have one leader. A king. No packs or anything like that. How could he send out all the dragons? Did he know the king?
Oh my goddess! The other dragons! What if they see me and kill me?! Nooooooo I don't want to die!
He must have sensed my fear because he asked, "What's wrong?"
I whimper. "U-uh... H-how are you sending out all the dragons? I h-heard you only have one king you listen
t-to..."He looks at me shocked and chuckles. "Don't you know who I am?"
I whimper. "N-no... I'm sorry! Please don't hit me! I know I should probably know, but I'm an idiot!" I rush out, hoping he wouldn't punish me.
He frowns. "You think I would hurt you? That explains the shaking and whimpering... I am your mate. I will never hurt you. I promise to protect you with my life. And no, you're not an idiot. I've the feeling your old pack told you that." I nodded. "They were wrong. You're not an idiot. And it didn't matter if you knew who I was. As long as you know I'm mate, that's all that matters."
I whimper and nod. "Listen, I know us dragons usually kill wolves on the spot, but you have nothing to fear here. Not one dragon will hurt you."
"H-how do you know? How do you know that one won't kill me just because I'm here?" I look up at him, tears in my eyes.
He puts me down. I whimper at the loss of his touch and heat. He shifted into his human form. We were both naked now.
I couldn't help but look at him. He was bigger than alpha wolves! Even the king alpha wasn't this big. He had an amazing 8 pack, bulging muscles, and a very sexy v line that led to his-
I was brought out of my thoughts by him chuckling. I looked up at his face to see him smirking. "Like what you see? Aside from the bruises, I love what I see."
I looked down, my face heating up. He chuckled again and pulled me into his giant chest. He buried his face in my neck, one of the very few places that wasn't bruised.
He inhaled deeply, taking in my scent. "You smell great..."
"... I wish I could say the same to you..." I mumbled.
He brought his head up to look me in the eyes, a little hurt. "Do I stink?"
"N-no! Well... I don't know..." I pointed to the dried blood on my nose. "All I smell is blood."
He growled and wiped away the blood so I could smell. "How's that? Can you smell now?"
I nodded and inhaled deeply. I almost fainted from the intoxicating smell. My knees went weak from it. He held me up and smirked. "Well? How do I smell?"
I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. "Perfect."
He smiled and picked me up. "Now back to us dragons. I know they won't hurt you because you're their new queen."

My Dragon Mate
WerewolfDragons and werewolves hate each other. Dragon will kill any wolf they see. The reason for this, is that the dragon god and moon goddess hate each other. But what if... What if the dragon god and moon goddess decided to mate a wolf and a dragon? Th...