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I was sitting with tt patting her back.

tt: (crying) I I can't believe he cheated with me and now he gave me this little  beautiful child

I really don't know what happen but Ray is fucked up

day: momwy was wrong with auntie

me: it's uncle Ray

day: did he do something wrong

me: um...yea

she went to tt and and pat her back

day: it's ok auntie ... ewry one make mistakes.

I smiled.

Morg came in with a bat

Morg: where he at!

me: he not here.

prod: baby... careful the baby  don't stress

me: y'all seem like a nature couple...but seems like Morg on top when it comes mmmmm

Morg: actually he on top....guh or nah

me: guh -_-

tt was laughing  a little.

me: it's gonna be ok (hug her)

tt: thanks (hugs)

Morg: I wanna be in this (hugs)

prod: aww girls of you kiss somebody

me: (throws pillow) shut up (drops the p)

Morg: oh by the way you need to watch yo man.

I up and walked out side and saw this chick she was Hispanic with black silky hair and she was light skin with brown eyes and her eyelashes was of the chain ayee gotta give bitch credit. I walked down as the girl was feeling Roc hair

me: (clears throat)

Roc: oh hey babe...this kayla

me: hi I'm rosetta but people call rose

Kayla: hi

Roc: this is my  fiancee

??: (calling Kayla in Spanish )  (a/n: ayeee don't judge don't know Spanish like that)

Kayla: ugh! coming Papi.....Roc do you wanna help

Roc: (walks) sure (stops by me grabbing him)

me: bae

Roc: it's ok ...I be back (kiss my cheek)

then he walks away with the bitch. ok she wants war bitch you got it. I may be all  nice. but bitch try me I

Morg: come on ro

me: ok

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ about to be on rose is ready to fight and start a war

what will happen next

stay fly :P

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