Chapter 2

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When we reached the baggage claim, I expected him to go a separate way, but he stayed with me, helping me get my bag and backpack off the conveyor belt, and laughing as I attempted to respond to a text with full hands. I put it down, and we sat and talked. Niall's friends seemed to have materialized out of thin air, but suddenly four teenage boys claimed much of his attention. Like him, they all wore hats pulled down low, and easy smiles.

They introduced themselves as Zayn, Lou, Harry, and Liam, and after a chorus of "Heys," and one "Vas Happening?" They asked Niall if he was ready to go.

"I want to make sure Addison, here gets home safe." he said, and seeing my expression, he added "Nope. I've gone to a lot of trouble today to make sure you're safe. I'm not giving up on the job quite yet!" He joked cheesily. I just rolled my eyes. We got to talking about ourselves. The guys all liked to sing, and told me that's how they met, and I told them I loved the arts; singing, dancing, acting, drawing, playing instruments, writing, gymnastics, you name it I've done it. We fell into easy conversation; I just felt surprisingly comfortable joking with them for ten, twenty, thirty minutes.

I felt small cold hands on my shoulders, and was yanked back into a hug with surprising strength for such a small girl.

"Oh. My. Gosh! I can't believe you're FINALLY moving back!" Claire screamed in my ear.

I giggled at the boys shocked expressions. "Guys, this is Claire, Claire this is..." I was cut of as she widened her eyes.

"One Direction." she choked out.

... And Fall Into My Arms Instead *One Direction*Where stories live. Discover now