The Bodyguard

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This is a new idea I had for a story. I will write more soon. Let me know what you think :)  


 The Bodyguard

I live a reasonably normal life. Well, that depends on your version of normal, if there is such a thing as 'normal' anyway. I have a job that I enjoy, my own place that I rent for a fair price from a landlord who is very understanding when it comes to late payments and I dream of moving on to better things. That's normal right?

I'm nineteen and work for a company called Protection. The company is new and on the rise in Cardiff, where I live, but does struggle at times. The company has about twenty employees who are hired out to protect something, hence the name of the company. It can be anything from a safe to a pet to a person; it is their job to look after the item for the client. That's what I do.

I'm in the specialised area of people. I get hired as a bodyguard. It's never dull for me and that's what I like about my job; I don't get bored.

I used to want to work for the police but I stopped going to school after I finished my A levels, so couldn't because I needed to do a university or specialised college course. Nothing about school has ever interested me and the only reason I stayed in school to do my A levels was to make my parents happy. It didn't work though. Nothing I did was ever good enough in their eyes. So now I live by myself in a small apartment near the city centre.

It was a Tuesday and I was just coming back from my morning jog when my phone went off. "Hello?" I said flipping it open instantly.

"Ro, I got a job for you and it's a good one. Get down here in half an hour or I’m giving it to George." My Boss Mark instructed and hung up before I could reply.

Mark always offered me the good jobs first, not because he liked me or anything like that. It was true that I was one of his only female bodyguards but I was also one of the best bodyguards he had and he didn't want me to leave his company to move to another, it would hurt his pocket too much. So if Mark got a new lot of jobs and if I didn’t have a lot or any work, he’d let me have the first look with two others he considered to be the best. I knew for a fact that Mark wasn't joking about giving the job away either, he had done it a few times before.

I decided to shower before going because 1. I would stink if I didn't and 2. I only lived a ten minute walk from the company building so I had time. I did have a driver's license but I didn't own a car. I didn't see the point when I could walk or use public transport to get wherever I was going and these days it seemed to be the cheaper option. The other reason was that I often travelled in the car of the person I was protecting while on a job, so having my own car would end up be more of a hassle than anything. I’d have to somehow get back to it after my job or shift was over, and more often than not, I’d finish the day in a completely different place to where I started it. It definitely made more sense to forego a car.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, plain blue jeans, a simple red shirt and some comfy trainers, I was out of the apartment and on my way to find out what this job was about.

I arrived outside Mark's office with five minutes to spare. I quickly looked at my reflection in the reflective door. My light brown hair, while still wet, was tied up in a bun at the back of my head. My subtly rounded face, that made me appear younger than I was which worked in my favour when it came to work, seemed to be normal and not red, I was happy to see after half walking half running here. Seeing as I don't wear make-up often and never for work, there was no need to check anything there. I only did this for the simple reason that I didn’t want to walk in the office looking a mess if there was a chance that a client was inside. First impressions are everything in this business. My bright green eyes stared back at me as I raised my hand and knocked on the door which had a simple plaque that read ‘Mark James’.

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