2+2=5. (The Lukewarm.)

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Anthony sighed, “What class do you have next, baby?”

Kalel looked over at him, “English.”

“No way.” Anthony smiled, “Me too.”

Anthony and Kalel had been together for the past year, and he hadn’t told either of his parents about her, nor had he told her that he had two dads. He was worried about what she would think of them, and what they would think of her. Anthony knew exactly why he was at this school for students who needed help. He knew exactly why Toby and Felix were here too, but he could not, for the life of him, figure out why Kalel was there.

To him, she was so perfect. He couldn’t find anything wrong with her, so why was she even at this hell hole? Toby was easy; he had a severe case of OCD. Felix was a slight pyromaniac.

“I also have the same teacher after that for work study right after. I hope he’s not a creep.”

“I bet he’ll be fine.” He laughed, taking her hand and walking to the classroom.

To his surprise, there was no teacher. Anthony was honestly really shocked; the teachers here were always in the room. He couldn’t remember the teacher’s last name, and he had lost his schedule and had to use the paper one he made with only the classes and room numbers.

He sat down next to Kalel in the back. She wanted to sit right by the desk so she didn’t have to move, and Anthony was cool with that. At least he wouldn’t be right under his nose considering most teachers taught from the front of the room.

Anthony was even more surprised that the bell rang and the teacher wasn’t there.

When he saw him, all the surprise and shock was washed away from that and put in a new area.

“Hey, class.” A man hurried in, “Sorry I’m late. Important phone call.”

He stood at the front of the room.

Anthony looked up at him and his jaw dropped.

“Ah. I see we have the infamous Mr. Anthony Padilla in this class.” Anthony’s father grinned, “It’s a pleasure to meet you again.”


“That’s Mr. Moss to you.” He pointed at him, earning laughter.

Anthony rolled his eyes, “At least I’m not calling you-”

“Alright. That’s enough chatting for one class. Let’s start working.”

Anthony couldn’t believe that his father-to-be was his teacher.

“Now, everyone. Two plus two equals five. That’s the new rule.” He nodded, “Mr. Padilla, what is two plus two?”

Anthony, who had zoned out, snapped his head up, “Could you repeat the question?”

“Two plus two.”

“This is English, not Math, but two plus two is four.”

“You’re not there paying attention.” He frowned, “The rule is: two and two always makes a five.”


“Just go with it, okay?” David crossed his arms, “I said that it equals five, so it equals five.”

“And who are you to say that?” Anthony leaned forward, knowing exactly where this was going.

“I am the authority figure in this room. What I say goes.”


David put his hands on Anthony’s desk and leaned closer to him, “Because I said so.”

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