Chapter 4 -

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I woke up the next morning from the sound of yelling coming from the kitchen.

I was wearing my clothes from yesterday still. 

Everybody was sleeping but Monique.

I walked into the kitchen to find her sitting on the floor crying.

"MONIQUE! What's wrong?" I asked her.

She stuck up her head.

"M-my old parent's th-they want me b-back" She mumbled.

"How did they find you?" I asked her.

"I don't know!" She shouted and ran out the door.

"MONIQUE!" I shouted back.

I looked into the living room to find everybody sleeping.

I didn't bother to get anything and ran out the door.

I searched for Monique.

"Monique! MONIQUE!" I found her getting pushed into the car.

I ran and pulled her.

"LET GO OF HER!" I shouted at the person.

It was a man grabbing on to her and a women in the black mini car.

Somebody was calling and it was Louis.

I dropped my phone and pulled monique.

I kept shouting at the person who i am guessing was her father.

The women in the car pulled out a gun.

"Emily?!? Monique?!?" Somebody said.

It was Louis.

"LOUIS HELP!!" I shouted and he came.

He punched Monique's father and me, Monique and Louis ran back to the house.

The house was kind of far.

Half way while running Monique was outof breath so Louis gave her a piggy back ride back to the house.

We made it after 5 minutes of running.

We ran into the house and ran to Louis and Monique's room and locked the door.

We didn't bother to listen to the rest of the boys  so we just talked about what exacly happend to ourselves.

"Wait so who was that guy grabbing you?" Louis asked Monique.

Monique burried her face into her hands.

"It was her Dad" I answered for Monique.

"Why is your parent's here?" Louis questioned.

"Emily can you give us a minute?" Monique asked and I nodded.

I left the room and headed downstairs.

The boys started asking me questions but I ignored.

It's 12am and everybody's asleep.

Monique and Louis went out to talk and came back so they went to bed.

I woke up and my stomach grumbled.

A midnight snack will do.

I went downstairs looking for oreos since I can't eat them cuz of Niall.

It was dark so I bumped into somebody.

"Ouch" Somebody said.

It was Niall.

I put my hands on the ground to get up when my hand was on top of something.


I picked it up and laughed.

I grabbed the packet of the oreos and ran.

"Come back here Emily!" Niall shouted and so we were now playing hide and go seek in the dark.

I hid and ate the oreos.

"BOO!" Somebody yelled behind me and tackled me.

"MY OREOS!" I cried.

I pretended to cry.

"Aww it's okay" He said and hugged me.

I then grabbed him and pulled him and so he fell over me.

I grabbed the oreos and sat on the floor with my legs crossed the oreos.

I giggled.

I threw a oreo at Niall which landed in his mouth.

He bit it and sat with his legs crossed in front of me.

We ate in silence.

He went into the kitchen to grab some milk.

"AH!" I heard him scream like a girl.

I walked into the kitchen and burst out laughing.

He spilt milk on the floor and on his pants which made it look like he peed his pants.

"Smooth Horan" I said trying to catch my breath form laughing.

"Thank you Horan" he replied and winked at me.

I then looked at my ring and remembered 2 days ago on our wedding day.

I started humming to Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift and he joined in.

We hummed as I helped him clean up.

"Just close your eyes" I sang and hummed once again.

"You'll be alright" He sang back and hummed.

"Come morning life, you and i'll be safe and sound" we both sang.

We finished cleaning the mess and sang.

Next thing you know we were slow dancing in the kitchen.

We kept our eyes locked on eachothers with our foreheads attached to eachothers.

We finished the song and hummed.

I pecked his lips.

We smiled.

I yawned and he carried me bridal style to bed.

We both cuddled and we fell asleep.

Safe & Sound. Book 2. *A Niall Horan Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now