Friend or enemy

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Ever have that one friend you tell everything too? Well I did at one point in 6th grade. I told her things then one day I go to school and hear rumors? I ask some of my friends what's going on and they said it as my best friend. She was spreading rumors about me things I never said. I was already having a hard time with the divorce I didn't need anymore on my plate at that moment. Have you ever had bad rumors spread and lost most of your friends? That's exactly what happened as the rumors got worse and they wouldn't stop. I found out she was jealous of what I got and had. She said I had everything I wanted but in reality I had far less then she thought.

After the rumors passed: once the rumors passed I was slowly getting my friends back but didn't have all them back. The friend that was spreading rumors about me I be friended her and told hr I didn't ant to talk anymore. After I got most if my friends back we all got together and had a party and enjoyed it before my parents were separating for good.



story of my life जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें