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A remake of the logo of Dreamworks! For round two of the art tournament on Amino.

Sorry for no new art but, the last week, especially Thursday, was SO nerve-wracking, stressy, and overall a sea of gasps!

On Thursday we had our declamation competition and I thought I'd do average. It was during the afternoon stayback classes in our English lab. So, when I finished and came back to my seat, this important looking teacher who was sitting behind me just shook my hand and I was like O.o? Because, she shook no one else's hand! After everyone finished, these random English teachers kept congratulating me and I was just a puddle of excitement by then!

It got better when I got home! My class teacher who is also my English teacher called me on my phone and congratulated me again and told me...

That the actual PRINCIPAL of our school wanted me to say my speech during the whole school assembly on Sunday...I was just shocked!

But now, I'm super nervous and I've actually never used the mic before...as stupid as it sounds I'm not afraid of forgetting lines, I'm afraid of the mic. See, the speaker is right next of where I'll stand and I feel like as soon as I open my mouth, the mic will make that annoying noise it sometimes makes or I'll be too loud...(I'm a really loud person)...just I'm thinking of a hundred and ten scenarios in my head 😫😫

But anyways, sorry of the long rant but I needed to get this off my chest 😂

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